Lifting up sewer cap to discover this!

    by johnsmithoncemore


    1. I think that’s encouraging that bats can live in there….bats are awesome, just don’t eat them.

    2. In Switzerland there was a similar case.
      100 Daubenton’s bats took up residence in a street canal.

      >During maintenance work, employees discovered bats under a manhole cover. Apparently they used the sewer network as a place of refuge and nursery for raising their young.

      The shaft in which the animals were found ends a good 1.4 kilometers further on, directly on the Limmat river. The bats have to travel this distance every day underground through tubes with a diameter of 1.2 meters to get to their hunting grounds.

      It has long been known that Daubenton’s bats use a variety of roosts, such as tree hollows, roof stumps or bridge cracks, but it is a surprise that they penetrate so far into the artificial cave system of the sewer network to benefit from the warmth under the drain covers.

      In a similar discovery in Germany in the summer of 2017, in which around 20 female Daubenton’s bats were found in a similar roost, the distance to the mouth of the river Regen was just 120 m.

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