1. It’s such a bad question “yea the man who says it’s getting better wants to make sure the direction of progress doesn’t u turn so he’s moving to secure additional personnel before it gets bad again”

    2. I understand and agree with the need for a variety of viewpoints in press briefings, but I hope the Harris administration boots Doocy, or at least stops calling on him

    3. everythingbeeps on

      You’ll never convince me Doocy isn’t a plant.

      Every time, he makes republicans look absolutely idiotic.

    4. AND give more jobs to americans for patrol, judges, all the clerks and baliffs that requires, reduce keeping people in holding zones or whatever.

    5. I think that like a lot of these right-wingers Doocy must have a “Mommy Daddy Please Humiliate Me” kink going on.

    6. I really wish they’d hammer this more often and more bluntly.

      This should be the ONLY answer when asked about border issues: we tried to pass a bill and it was specifically blocked by Trump because he values himself over country.

    7. ThE_LAN_B4_TimE on

      What? This is such a stupid argument. Because he wants more border agents that means he isn’t doing his job? Wow

    8. Deep_Combination6420 on

      Sooooooo…do they want a stronger border or not? Or do Republicans just like arguing with themselves? Doesn’t it make sense to hire more border agents to strengthen the border they keep crying about? All this spinning is making me dizzy

    9. SnowshoeTaboo on

      As far as a right-wing journalist goes… it’s obvious he doesn’t think about where his questions will take him. I don’t imagine he thought it was gonna go there when he asked it.

    10. Do these dumb fucks think that the president personally rides a four-wheeler along the border turning back migrants?

      I mean, they sound like my dumbfuck CEO when I tell them we need more people for the dumbass processes they demand we follow: “well if you’re so good at your job then why do you need more people?”

      Because I ain’t fucking magic ya jackass!

    11. AdmiralAckbarrghh on

      Liberals capitulating to the right wing narrative on the border. Incredible stuff.

      Biden admin is basically saying “we’re trying to brutalize immigrants and asylum seekers but the mean gop won’t let us!!” And people who fancy themselves as progressives see this as a “le epic win” moment.

      Instead of challenging the right on their lies about immigration, dems tac to the right and desperately try to prove they can be reactionary too.

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