Why lie?

    by Quirky-Material9725


    1. skip2mahlou415 on

      Why lie… because there’s nothing else. What are they gonna do spit facts?

    2. Even if it were true, I’d trust someone who wants to fuck a horse much more than someone actively trying to fuck this country.

    3. SkatingOnThinIce on

      It’s weird to fact check everything. If I say you eat horse cum while fucking a couch, well, that’s what happened!

    4. xxSinisterNinja on

      everyone has to continue lying about everything or there will be a violent revolution lol

    5. YeetOrBeYeeted420 on

      Even if this is a clap back about the couch-fucker thing, that’s a lot further on the weird scale towards what the fuck

    6. I’m a bit surprised that the sites doing the debunking don’t just write ‘this is so mind-numbingly stupid that we won’t even bother to address it.’

      Stooping to their level is just dumb.

    7. Since everything is projection with the gop, I’m pretty sure Vance and / or Trump drank horse semen.

    8. gimpinmypants on

      It’s the ol’ don’t tell lies about me and I won’t tell truths about you gambit.

    9. Why are they so AGGRESSIVELY dumb and *weird* ?

      Between this and Vance storming Harris’ plane, this is what happens when there is no self policing. You elevate complete idiots who have no idea how clinically stupid they are.

    10. Certain_Cause3362 on

      The GOP can’t counter the weird label, so they’re doing everything they can to one-up it.

      And, in the process, proving that they are weird.

    11. From the people who drank bleach, shoved light bulbs up their asses and hoarded horse de-wormer.

    12. They should literally use screenshots of all this kind of thing in a TV advert. No commentary required at all, just a strap line at the end says “Do you think these people are weird?”…

    13. Great now I’ve got a few brain cells storing the image of Vance chugging equijizz while plowing a futon.

    14. TheLoneGunman559 on

      You mean its more weird than taking golden showers from Russian prostitutes?

    15. Don Jr missed the problem. People think Vance is a creepy weirdo because he acts like one

      He can’t answer simple questions (“What makes you happy?”), he looks downright unconfortable around people (*including his own family*), and he believes women shouldn’t have basic rights

      Waltz is a very good public speaker, who can easily energise a crowd. At the same time, he actually talks like an everyday person.

      The GOP’s reaction only shows how detached from reality its members are. Attacking Waltz’s decision to feed poor kids for free is bizarre.

    16. Shiro_no_Orpheus on

      It’s their response to the couch fucking thing, which was made up too. It’s just really not as funny the second time around.

    17. Awkward_Bench123 on

      I like the imagery. The only reason we’re having this discussion is because JD recklessly entered the chat

    18. Because they want to try and :gotcha” us over the couch joke when we point out they’re making up something weird.

    19. Hot_Abbreviations936 on

      This is all fun and games, but the Democrats have policies, and the republicans have oppression and removal of rights.

      Wake up MAGA, one more vote and donoldman doesn’t need you anymore. He hates poor people and can’t wait to sell you out to the 1% as slaves. No unions, no minimum wage, no unemployment, no SS, no Medicare.

      Him and his buddies are going to stomp on you like bugs and laugh you were stupid enough to vote in a dictator. VOTE OUT ALL REPUBLICANS!

    20. couldn’t find anything worse on him than “tampon tim” so they had to make something up i guess

    21. monsterfurby on

      I kind of love how even the crowd that posts stuff like this doesn’t commit to the name that Elephant Mucus chose for his nazi circlejerk platform.

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