Absolute Legend”Flo Jo” Florence Griffith Joyner (1988)

    by bluemarvel99


    1. You got to flow Joe, you gotta flow, Joe, you gotta gotta gotta gotta let em know Joe!

    2. I mean she obviously cheated.

      She was able to shave like half of a second off her 100m and 200m times in the span of a year before the 1988 Olympics and got them to times that are unheard of for women then and since. Then when random mandatory testing was instituted a year later in 1989 she decided to retire. I don’t really find the fact she passed the drug testing in 1988 persuasive. Drug testing has been playing catch up with athletes and PEDs since the start.

    3. Separate-Mammoth-110 on

      She was doped. She was just never caught.

      All the runners in the 80s to early 90s were doped. Ben Johnson. Carl Lewis. All the ethiopians.

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