I wasnt familiar with your game…

    by epyonxero


    1. biscuitboi967 on

      I am DYING at how good everyone looks after their performance. Eyelashes. Full contour. Looking insta-ready on the podium.

      Except for the poor swimmer. Even the synchronized swimmers seemed to have waterproof make up and face shields. But the poor female swimmers look like me after my morning shower trying to make some magic happen before an early meeting when I’m hungover.

    2. DirtySilicon on

      Don’t they choose hairstyles that are conducive to high intensity work though? Like isn’t traction alopecia common among female gymnasts from pulling their hair back too tight?

    3. Dude they always been smokin hot? Who tf not watchin the Olympics for the talent as a kid like nobody really?

    4. Sha’Carri Richardson wasn’t even breathing through her mouth at the end of their 4×100.

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