[OC] US VP candidates’ military service

    by jonovan


    1. I don’t want to get political or anything but this data makes JD Vance look like a liar.

    2. mixduptransistor on

      I’m not a JD Vance fan, but I’m not going to hold the length of his service against him, he served, that’s good enough. I also think he shouldn’t be attacking a fellow veteran for his service, it’s not like there’s not a ton of policy issues they disagree on that would be more enlightening for the electorate to hear about

      Too bad most of JD’s policy stances are not very popular. Probably why he doesn’t want to talk about them

    3. I’d like some beautifully presented data on how much legislation each candidate has penned and the proportion of penned legislation that was actually passed and successfully implemented.

    4. Wheredoesthetoastgo2 on

      Reddit suddenly cares about military service? Political dick measuring contests are tiring.

    5. evapotranspire on

      Both of them should be proud of their service to our country, and neither of them should criticize the other’s record. Why can’t we just all act like grownups here?!

    6. Regardless of politics, I’m not sure this chart is a good comparison. To be fair the deployments were different in scope- one was to active war zones and the other was to peaceful areas.

      I think it’s worth looking into, but I’m also not sure if either saw real combat.

    7. Using length of service in military is genuinely cringe. My friend served for 5 years before his mental state went to shit and was honorably discharged. If someone want to just serve 4 year let them serve 4 years.

    8. SoCalM38Throwaway on

      A bit misleading. Vance was active duty (full time) while Walz was in the National Guard (one weekend a month, two weeks a year). Not that it’s a competition, but they probably served a similar number of total working days in uniform.

    9. RL_CaptainMorgan on

      First, fuck off with the political posts.
      Second, this isn’t beautiful data. This is some 2nd grade learning about different types of graphs data.

    10. They both served. Reasons to respect both of them.

      I respect school teachers a lot more than venture capitalists, though.

    11. Deployed to Italy? Hahahahahaha, that was where I took R&R while deployed to Iraq. Gimme a break, saying Italy is a “deployment” is worse than those claiming Kuwait. Jesus Reddit, you fucks are losing oxygen to your brain choking on this guys dick.

    12. Mammoth_Wrangler1032 on

      It looks like they both left soon after being deployed. Being deployed can mess people up

      Edit: why the heck am I being downvoted lmao I said nothing wrong

    13. -ObviousConcept on

      He said he want to ban weapons “he carried in war,” when he never carried weapons in war. This is the problem. Dems could try and reframe it all they want, but it doesnt change that fact.

      Even the people that served in Walz’s batallion say that. I guess reddit wants to call them liars because they make him look bad.

    14. You and your facts can take a hike, this is the post truth era, didn’t you get the memo? /s

    15. RuneScape-FTW on

      Honestly, I’m not sure how much i care about deployment compared to legislation, policy, diplomacy, or other work experience. Have to go and think about it.

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