Got banned for this comment. Correct me if I’m wrong.

    by forgetfulfally


    1. longbottomleaf11 on

      Isn’t the defense always that it “wasn’t real socialism”? If so, then this wouldn’t be “anti-socialist”. Also glad to see that the roughly 20 million people who died under Stalin were apparently an acceptable sacrifice

    2. It’s disgusting what some people on Reddit have come to. Even in Russia the Soviet apologia is not as big as on here. There people actually know history and what the bolsheviks did to their country and people. Can’t believe redditors are that stupid

    3. Business-Plastic5278 on

      You got banned on a commie sub for pointing out the reality of commies.

      Welcome to reddit.

      Yes, this is how it works.

    4. I mean, you went to a communist sub and then started talking shit about the USSR. Either you’re a dumbass or you wanted this to happen so you could post about it here. You’re not wrong, but you are acting super cringe.

    5. MainsailMainsail on

      Which is *most* cringe, the original post, OP’s response, or the mod’s reason? Vote now!

    6. LiveLaughSlay69 on

      Soviets shouldn’t brag about kill counts. They had the worst K/D ratio of the war.

    7. ultimatepepechu on

      Its crazy when the ban reason is just literally “you said something we dont like”

    8. Suicidal_Sayori on

      I just think you missed the whole point of the sub you were commenting on and now came here to get your wounds licked by people like you. I don’t know if it’s a parody sub or if they’re that delusional, but you hitting the hive with a stick just to take a pic and grind some upvotes here is quite weird if you ask me

    9. TheAngelOfSalvation on

      This is a stupid argument because the soviets had MORE losses than the nazis.

    10. Defending and idolising the Soviet Union will always baffle me. People who have the hammer and sickle as their pfp may as well just have a swastika

    11. I mean, isn’t it good that you got banned?

      Why’d you even go there in the first place.

    12. IceCreamMeatballs on

      These far-left subs have the worst moderation, I got permanently banned from r/TheRightCantMeme because I said something about China not being a communist country anymore

    13. Will people ever understand that something is bad regardless of what ideology it is?

      Killing innocent people = Bad. It doesn’t matter whether it was someone from the right or the left who did it. You can very well be left or right without defending indefensible facts.

    14. sanguinesvirus on

      Yeahhh tankies don’t like it when you point out that Marx would have been appaled at the Soviet Union. Cuz you know, its totally not a king as long as you call it the general secretary while killing anarchists who did a better job at socialism than the soviet union ever did. 

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