The other 6,999 folks that think alike don’t have internet, I guess, because I never found them anywhere.
Helsu-sama on
What if you’re not one in a million but on in a hundred billion ? We are only 8 billion on earth so you totally may be alone in your way to be.
PerturbedLez on
That’s such a great way to combat the negativity when you feel uninteresting. I’ve never thought of it like that before, but i like it!
PartiallySerene on
At least 7000 people like you – in regard to what? This seems so random.
FredHerberts_Plant on
,,You’re one in a million
You’re once in a lifetime” 🎶
--Anonymoose--- on
This is also why terrible ideas, conspiracies, and ideologies seem to flourish in the modern world because the people who think these things are now able to connect via the internet. It used to be that flat earthers would be some isolated crackpot but now they can share their dumb ideas with each other
Foreign_Natural on
This is actually one of the BEST parts about the internet. You can find the 7000 people that are weird like you relatively easily.
JVAV00 on
I love telling about squiggly lines
SubstantialBother586 on
How did you get these stats???????????
UsedPsychology8338 on
Yes i can share my Freddy X Bonnie fan arts and 6,999 will share to friends :DDDDDD
The other 6,999 folks that think alike don’t have internet, I guess, because I never found them anywhere.
What if you’re not one in a million but on in a hundred billion ? We are only 8 billion on earth so you totally may be alone in your way to be.
That’s such a great way to combat the negativity when you feel uninteresting. I’ve never thought of it like that before, but i like it!
At least 7000 people like you – in regard to what? This seems so random.
,,You’re one in a million
You’re once in a lifetime” 🎶
This is also why terrible ideas, conspiracies, and ideologies seem to flourish in the modern world because the people who think these things are now able to connect via the internet. It used to be that flat earthers would be some isolated crackpot but now they can share their dumb ideas with each other
This is actually one of the BEST parts about the internet. You can find the 7000 people that are weird like you relatively easily.
I love telling about squiggly lines
How did you get these stats???????????
Yes i can share my Freddy X Bonnie fan arts and 6,999 will share to friends :DDDDDD