Wife sent me this quote she saw online this morning. Just thought it was…perfect. Embrace life and the small moments.

    Maybe it’s now as a dad I try to embrace this more each day, but I thought it was spectacular.

    Also, I love Vonnegut, so that’s a plus.

    by pinkwhitney24


    1. Okay but why don’t we have both

      Buy envelopes in bulk at wholesale prices, then go outside and touch grass (and dog)?

    2. Upstairs_Abroad_5834 on

      The irony of posting this on reddit instead of going out to be a dancing animal is… *chef’s kiss*

    3. Breakfast of Champions got me through an in school suspension and changed my perspective about reading as a high schooler

    4. Also I don’t need or want 100 envelopes, I just want 1 or at most 5. Decades years later my child does not need to inherit my remaining 95 envelopes (because realistically how often do I need an envelope these days?).

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