The fact you said “evil” means you assume that the matter is about good and evil, but it is, in fact, about observation skills, so next time you see evil, you don’t go into denial
franklinton-photo on
No child writes the letter “t” like that.
Puzzled-Fix-8838 on
Sigh. No child at that reading level wrote this.
stnick6 on
You guys realize dogs can be bad right? Take it from someone with a permanent dog scar over my eye: some dogs should get hit
fuck_you_reddit_mods on
Y’all need to get off this sub, damn. It’s r/wholesomememes
It’s a wholesome meme.
Y’all are negative af, get outta here.
There’s a good boy! 😊
The teacher did not make the book.
The fact you said “evil” means you assume that the matter is about good and evil, but it is, in fact, about observation skills, so next time you see evil, you don’t go into denial
No child writes the letter “t” like that.
Sigh. No child at that reading level wrote this.
You guys realize dogs can be bad right? Take it from someone with a permanent dog scar over my eye: some dogs should get hit
Y’all need to get off this sub, damn. It’s r/wholesomememes
It’s a wholesome meme.
Y’all are negative af, get outta here.