Tall being always happy to help

    by NiaTwinkle


    1. Ok_Wear_1725 on

      Yes, one of the things I love about being tall.

      You sometimes can effortlessly make people happy like that! 🙂

    2. As a fellow long being, I approve this message. I have accepted my role in society in this regard.

    3. Open-Preparation-268 on

      I’m only 6’ tall. But, I’ve been asked many times to reach something for someone while shopping.

      I don’t mind at all. It gives me a good feeling to help someone who appreciates it.

      Once my wife and I were out shopping and a really short older lady asked if I could reach something for her.

      She was super appreciative. I told her that reaching things and opening jars gives the ladies a reason to keep us around! She was pretty amused by that.

    4. Im 6′ 6″ and I help at least four people a week reach things, it’s very nice to have a good way to use my height

    5. Remember folks tall people can reach up high and short people can reach down low

      The best combination is a tall person and a short person because both can reach where the other generally cant

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