I hope everyone enjoys this as much as I do

    by Zestyclose-Crow-9111


    1. This looks like a bad ending to a Scooby Doo episode.

      “Walt Disney! It was you all along!”

    2. UX_Strategist on

      It’s REALLY important to note that this isn’t on Disney property and that isn’t a Disney employee. OP said it was Las Vegas.

    3. narwhalyurok on

      One of the MAIN reasons that Disney does not allow any fully costumed adults into the parks.

    4. I love it. I can only imagine how hot that costume would be to wear in 100° heat in Vegas lol.

    5. This is exactly why I’m mortified of people in stuff like this. Imagine living in NYC, Times Square is just full of these people!

    6. I one time hugged a minon in Vegas and he rubbed my ass. Looked just like this guy. Don’t let your kids or yourself near these “street performers.” There’s something so off about them

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