Why is a South African man calling for civil war in the US?

    by TheNurse_


    1. That’s a good fucking question, maybe a reporter should ask him that question.

    2. Because he owns a failing social media platform and he’s pandering to the lowest common denominator which happens to make up 75% of his audience?

    3. He really is just a drug addled anime addict that found his niche as a peddler of chaos. I’m sure he fancies himself as such.

      It has become very apparent that he drives traffic and discourse with breaking news (true or not) and bombastic opinions (inciteful or not) and wants to profit from the interaction that conflict brings.

    4. GadreelsSword on

      Civil war for what? Having electricity? Plentiful food? Available jobs? Plenty of drinking water? Free internet access in public places?

      What are you so outraged about that makes you want to kill your fellow countrymen? Are you angry that same sex couple can marry? That a person can change their sexual identity? Why does what others do in THEIR bedroom bother you so much?

      Are you upset that Donald Trump killed the solution to the current border issues?

      What exactly makes you rightwingers want to kill people and wreck the country?

    5. I think this one was actually him declaring civil war in the UK due to the riots. It’s hard to keep up with what he’s trying to destroy from one day to the next.

    6. Unusual_Ad_8364 on

      I consider him a hostile foreign actor at this point. I don’t know how else to define him.

    7. Let’s not forget, he’s a tech billionaire, and war is good for business. He can always fuck off to some third world country if he burns this one to the ground. He’s no different than the private equity firms that fucked toys r us, red lobster, etc- he’s just doing it on a much larger scale.

    8. Accomplished_Crew779 on

      So, my across the street neighbor is a patriotic Republican, but his wife and mom are filthy Demoncrats, so he’s probably going to be super cool with me taking them out from my attic nest when they get back from the chiropractor on January 6?

      _I’m just following orders, Dave._

    9. If you arrived here as an immigrant and call for civil war, you should be deported. Immediately. We ain’t got time for this kind of nonsense. I would NEVER show up at someone else’s home and tell them how to run it.

    10. Maximum-Purchase-135 on

      Exactly how do we do that? My neighbors are Republicans so do I just go next door and shoot them? Do red states fight blue states? Are people willing to move and leave their careers behind so they can kill other families?How exactly will this go down?

    11. sleepyjohn00 on

      Same reason the Australian Rupert Murdoch created Fox News, because that’s where the power comes from.

    12. Can someone please sue him for election interference? Or inciting civil unrest? Something?

    13. UnusedTimeout on

      No hyperbole, this should be enough to have his citizenship revoked. Fuck you and the broke ass cyber truck you rode in on, Elmo.

    14. UAreTheHippopotamus on

      Why aren’t major media outlets giving even smallest amount of coverage to a billionaire and major GOP supporter openly calling for civil war?

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