Wow. Weird.

    by Quick-Cod6978


    1. It’s all politics for him. He does not care about this country or its people. Only himself.

    2. Beneficial-Big-9915 on

      This is a. An who is totally about himself, thinking he has the answers for humanity and a country that is for mankind and not a political party of one, DJT.

    3. Some of these hostages are incarcerated since the middle of his term. He didn’t seem like he wanted to get them released. 🤔

    4. underwater_jogger on

      This isn’t in all caps. This isn’t him, This is his team. Which are also narcissists but cowards at the same time.

    5. Diligent-Lion6571 on

      Isn’t he amigos with Putin why doesn’t he get them details from his friend?

    6. He is an absolutely disgusting person. And getting worse in a pathetic desperation.

    7. We already know what Trump thinks about POWs. Why would we expect any different from this broken record.

    8. I think we need to start calling the other thing it always is… pathetic. This is pathetic, he’s pathetic.

    9. Embarrassed-Radio356 on

      Didn’t Obama as a lame duck President say something to the effect of him wishing the best for Trump as President. In a normal world… when the US President is doing well, it means our country is doing well. Even if it is not your guy in office.

    10. AzuleStriker on

      all of maga thinks he’s above human, he’s a god… or that’s how it feels when i see them worshipping this guy.

    11. The felonious pedophile is concerned about us letting bad guys go free… This is the worst timeline

    12. He’s so good at making deals that nobody wants anything from him. Right. So full of shit.

    13. AValentineSolutions on

      Does the fact that Trump is an egotistical asshole who only cares about himself just miss some people? Even his simps get that that fucking orange ghoul doesn’t give a shit about them.

    14. Funny also that the person he actually praised as well was his boss PUTIN.

      Weird eh?

    15. GilgameDistance on

      Joe, (dis)respectfully; fuck off.

      You helped create this mess in the first place with your racist ass tea party.

    16. Embarrassed-Big-Bear on

      What hostages did he get back? Who the hell gives hostages without getting something? Im trying to tell if it ever happened, and if hes lying about what he gave away, or if he never got hostages at all.

      I guess ultimately it doesnt matter, hes lying either way.

    17. johnnyhammerstixx on

      Please tell me that this Joe Walsh is the Joe Walsh from the James Gang… We don’t need the ladies crying cuz the storys sad.

    18. Intrepid_Hyena6199 on

      To play into trumps whataboutisms. How’s that deal with Foxconn going for Wisconsin that he made?

    19. LeftLanePasser on

      Trump is the absolute worst human being. My sentiments about him would surely get me a permaban.

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