Everything I hear about this guy is crazier than the last

    by IAmAccutane


    1. dead-inside69 on

      Half tempted to vote for him just to see what shenanigans would ensue with him in control. Sure it would be awful, but at least it would be an interesting genre of awful

      Edit: people are really downvoting like they think I’m serious. Even if I was, it’s not like that moron is going to even break 3% at the polls.

    2. him doing that somehow seems way the fuck more normal than telling the world on national television he did that

    3. patrickwithtraffic on

      So I’m halfway through the four episodes of the podcast *Behind the Bastards* on RFK Jr. and I have to say given what I’ve heard so far, this was the least surprising story to come out during his campaign. That man has had a fascination with carcasses his entire life.

    4. olivegardengambler on

      I mean, is it possible he got the worm from the dead bear carcass? I heard that there is a parasite you can get from eating improperly cooked bear.

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