Trump is desperate and crashing

    by Go_Habs_Go31


    1. ActualHermit99 on

      I said elsewhere but I genuinely think this was one of the worst interviews he’s done. This was *bad*. His team had to drag him off the stage after 35 minutes because he couldn’t handle it and had already said some insanely racist shit.

      A lot of MAGA are saying “he’s right” on twitter and shit but I don’t think they know how poorly this will go down with voters outside of their base. This very well could be Trump’s Biden debate levels of bad.

    2. The_Darkprofit on

      Definitely worse than how Biden did, they literally had to cut him off…he was doing so bad the handlers dumb enough to schedule the event noped out.

    3. MountainSage58 on

      They’re taking your jobs! They’re taking your jobs! They’re taking your jobs! Aaaand cut. Without the Biden is old thing, he’s had to go back to the 2016 rage filled platform and he just doesn’t have the energy. Focusing on one guy was a lot easier for him.

    4. Islandgirl1444 on

      Sentencing will be like this for all convicted felons in the future I assume. The judge could have been a contender. Instead, he’s a putts. Martha Stewart would like a word.

    5. You really can see it crumbling in real time.

      Keep an eye on his interviews because we are so close to seeing him take a tonal shift from “trying to cheat an election” to “trying to instigate chaos”.

      And when that moment happens I really hope the media stops broadcasting his message for civil unrest. We need the media to stop playing both sides and start pointing out that this guy is a real danger to the world.

    6. And who knew that calling them weird and cringey would be so effective in bringing out their inner snowflake?

    7. Meh_Guy_In_Sweats on

      If he and his Couchfucking Weird Beard running mate were not so fucking weird maybe they would win. But they are just too too weird.

    8. It was his racism that fueled this man’s hubris in 2016. Let it please be a woman of color that puts the final nail in the coffin of our national nightmare.

    9. I agree, but **DON’T GET COMPLACENT!** We HAVE to keep pushing and we have to vote!

    10. The best part is he’s losing to a woman who is not white. Two things he probably hates.

    11. everythingbeeps on

      Yes but let’s balance our glee at his implosion with wariness about the fact that the more desperate it looks for him, the more extremes his cult and his handlers will go to in order to ensure he still wins.

      He still has Mike Johnson in the House, he still has a Supreme Court that has blatantly dropped all pretense of impartiality, and he still has election officials in many states who will follow whatever orders they’re given.

    12. JamingtonPro on

      I’ve been hearing some sort of “Trump is crashing/losing it/flailing” or whatever for months now. This is just how he is. He’s the same babbling idiot he’s been for years. Maybe add in the normal decline one might expect from a man of his age, but the bar was pretty low already, lol

    13. Thwackitypow on

      Now would be an awesome time for Joe to force the whole SCOTUS/immunity amendment by signing an executive order compelling convicted felons to be sentenced within 30 days of their trial conclusion.

    14. Barbarella_ella on

      Not JUST Harris. The timing of President Biden’s announcement of his stepping down and his full support of Harris was Ground Zero for a ground swell. This is far beyond how Democrats have responded before. Forget the “Dems in Disarray” meme – this is Dems United. The ripples are propagating. To borrow from physics, this is constructive interference of coherent waves achieving maximum amplitude.

      And Trump et al is drowning under them.

      It’s a thing of fucking beauty.

    15. teleheaddawgfan on

      Never underestimate the Democrats ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory!

      So far so good. But let’s pace ourselves.

    16. wmorris33026 on

      Big point here is that he may be tried and go to jail. This is his motivation. Avoid prison.

    17. I wonder if he’s going to be on stage babbling a response to a question, and then he’s just gonna start screaming uncontrollably because he can’t keep it inside anymore.

      I’d like for that clip to be immortalized and studied for generations. 

    18. FlimsyConclusion on

      Imagine if Biden had to be ushered away by his sitters half way through only an hour interview. Trump can’t lead.

    19. One of his own shooting him had to have been a clue it’s not going well lol

    20. JoraStarkiller on

      Please stop with this bullshit propaganda, nothing is assured, we need a landslide victory for Harris and need to flip every open seat in the house and senate to blue. Unless this happens we will be in for four more years of obstruction by the MAGAt’s even if Kamala wins.

    21. Trump has be be beyond freaking out right about now. How things turned around so quickly. If he loses then all the trial stuff gets put back on track…

    22. freshoilandstone on

      The old orange turd really shit the couch but don’t get complacent. Vote like you really mean it

    23. Still register to vote, check your registration, and have a plan. They are up to some absolute fuckery in the swing States this year.

      But, if you want to play a part in documenting the fuckery that is happening with Trump and the Maga crowd now, check out the new SR weirdgop.

      I can’t link it because of sub rules but welcome you to check it out

    24. Go vote. Don’t let social media convince you it’s in the bag. Every vote is needed.

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