South Korea sent a fully-kitted out player for the Olympic shooting. Turkey sent an 51 yr old guy with no specialized lenses, eye cover or ear protection and got the silver medal

    by Green____cat


    1. Hand in pocket, shooting casual as fuck.

      If you told me he used to be a hitman, I’d believe you.

    2. Bro looks like he accidentally boarded the wrong bus and said fuck it, might as well do this while I’m here.

    3. The look of disappointment on his face, as if he’s pondering all his life’s decisions that lead him to this point.

    4. Space--Buckaroo on

      How about also showing a picture of the South Korea sent a fully-kitted out player.

      What are we comparing?

    5. Some shooters are just natural talent. I’ve been shooting for 40+ years and taught all kinds of folks. There are those that still amaze me.

    6. The guy is so casual I’m half expecting him to grab some sunflower sees out of his pocket and start munching whilst taking his shots lol.

    7. “Ömer has your dad been drinking yesterday? We need to send somebody to Olympics.”

    8. Interesting how your title is the exact same as a trending post 2 hours ago. You even got the same typo! (an 51 yr old)

    9. why does he look like a man who has lost everything and is about to take revenge? I swear to god I’ve seen that face in films multiple times

    10. it’s like typical dad behaviour doing something so casually but also really good

    11. Zealousideal-Ice123 on

      A lot of competition pistol shooters shoot one handed sideways with the other at their side

    12. Expert-Hat9461 on

      Fun fact. The first Olympic Games shooting competition had some buddies in faction who just happened to bring their pistols and decided to compete. They won.

    13. HappySkullsplitter on

      The only way this would be better is if he had a lit cig hanging out of his mouth lol

    14. This was a mixed-team shooting if I remember correctly, and also the Turkish female team mate of his was aiming with both eyes open. Pretty much everybody else competing in these precision shooting sports in the olympics are wearing an eye-covering of some sort to block the other eye when aiming.

    15. shitsu13master on

      Gotta love that hand in his pocket, too. Just sort of completes the look doesn’t it

    16. Environmental-Bet614 on

      The chill attitude like he is waiting for his wife to finish shopping. Man is a legend 😂

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