12 year old Canadian girl exposes the banks



    1. HackMeBackInTime on

      fractional reserve banking, ain’t it wonderful.

      wait till she finds out what backs the stock market…

    2. CoolRecording5262 on

      look daddy wrote a script for his daughter. the fact that it’s largely factually inaccurate (how much money banks have or what causes inflation) aside, anyone who is swayed by this needs to give their head a shake.

    3. Bobbi_fettucini on

      They’re literally just regurgitating stuff they heard from their parents, I’d also bet money they’re into the “freedom” convoy

    4. TheThingsWeMake on

      What, you mean our economy isn’t just massive warehouses of physical bills the bank keeps somewhere? Economics is about the movement of money and what results from that movement, not just how many gold coins there are? /s

    5. “Exposes the banks”. Aka explaining the first 2 weeks of an intro to macroeconomics course

    6. Fractional reserve banking usually requires a 10:1 reserve ratio. 

      Leman Brother collapsed under a 40:1 ration.

      Seriously doubt Canadian banks are allowed to operate, or fraudulently operating, under the 350:1 ratio she’s claiming here. 

    7. HockeyBalboa on

      “What I have discovered…”

      Translation: “What my parents groomed into me is…”

      I guess this might be “interesting as fuck” is she actually did discover all this on her own, but do you really think that’s the case here?

    8. None of that came from her.

      Exponential growth of debt? No.

      Paying to borrow money? If not paying to borrow, then you can just spend fiat money (inflation) or take more taxes up front. 

      Taxes = health care, roads, teachers. 

      As long as we are ok with privatizing all healthcare, transportation, teachers. WE’D STILL END UP PAYING.

      I get so tired of people’s wilful ingorance.

    9. All countries work like this. Nothing strange about it. Just some dumb parents who taught her this.

    10. Leesburgcapsfan on

      Headline should read: Parents train 10 year old girl to recite a statement for better sympathy and exposure.

    11. nobecauselogic on

      Have you ever wondered why adults write political speeches for their children?

    12. “What I have discovered” could mean anything between Nobel Prize winning research and “I read an image with text on facebook”.

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