[OC] How American Red Cross Spends Your Donation Dollars $$$

    by WindyCee


    1. michaelquinlan on

      * $781,120: Clifford Holtz, Chief Operating Officer
      * $751,789: Chis Hrouda, President, Biomedical Services
      * $723,696: Shaun Gilmore, Chief Transformation Officer
      * $640,483: Gail McGovern, President and CEO
      * $629,954: Brian Rhoa, CFO
      * $535,518: Paul Sullivan, SVP, Donor Services
      * $491,333: Phyllis Harris, General Counsel
      * $488,883: Melissa Hurst, Chief HR Officer
      * $468,179: Don Herring, Chief Development Officer
      * $451,121: Jack McMaster, President, Training Services
      * $444,692: Peter Giamalva, SVP, Biomedical Sales and Marketing
      * $409,434: Pampee Young, Chief Medical Officer
      * $408,920: Ronnie Strickland, CIO
      * $407,120: Harvey Johnson, President, Humanitarian Services
      * $326,631: Jennifer Hawkins, Corp Secretary and Chief of Staff

    2. So how come a non-profit is making profit?

      I assume they re-invest it internally

    3. JeromesNiece on

      The American Red Cross is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. They don’t have a “net profit” — those surplus revenues have to be used in a way that furthers the org’s charitable purpose.

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