Let’s see how much backlash I get

    by Prototyp53


    1. Longjumping-Sweet280 on

      you can support his ideas without supporting him as a person. Tesla neuralink and space x are all amazing companies. elon is a POS

    2. AdmiralCaptain100 on

      Theres no way in hell you will ever force me to get the brain chip implant just so it can fry my brain as a prank

    3. SecretSpectre11 on

      Lmao all those dumbasses calling the Cybertruck ugly just because Elon Musk made it can go fuck themselves it was literally based off a game and I don’t see anyone calling the one in the game ugly.

    4. Abs0lutelyzer0 on

      You can support the ventures, without liking Elon Musk. There are plenty more scientists and employees at those companies that are good humans and want to better the world.

    5. cosmernautfourtwenty on

      Yeah, if you run into a crowded room and brag about how stupid you are, people are gonna call you stupid. That’s called “common sense”.

    6. ingamejukebox on

      Neuralink (and any other implants that interact with the nervous system) should be open source, software and hardware

    7. Let’s not forget that once upon a time, part of reddit used to simp for Musk, and then later on did a 180. I never liked him to begin with, lol.

    8. PastOrdinary on

      He’s such an interesting case of internet public perception imo. The whole internet basically turned on him after he gutted twitter.

      “I don’t like how you’re managing a company and since you’re publicly traded in just gonna buy you” is crazy but also kind of badass.

      My opinion of Elon Musk hasn’t changed much tbh. I have a higher opinion of him than other billionaires but still not particularly fond.

    9. confused_bobber on

      I mean. None of those companies were started by him. Be just bought in and now pretends he started them

    10. I can support SpaceX and hate the fuck out of Elon. Even the Tesla employees I respect. But fuck what Elon did with the company

    11. The companies Musk runs are amazing, the problem is it’s him who’s leading them. Especially now that he doesn’t even focus on them and instead spends all day tweeting memes and running Twitter.

    12. CringeSockboi on

      I’ll start to stay out of this stuff now, I see what happens, and frankly, I don’t want problems, so peace

    13. aladdinboy424 on

      Why you guys don’t like Elon? I get it, he’s known world wide and almost everyone has an opinion on him, but why latch on to the same opinion on him that everyone else has? Sounds like you guys are too desperate to be in a group and too scared to formulate your own thoughts on him without getting hate.

      Imagine you’d be as famous and rich as him, wouldn’t the rest of us make fun of your personality and your weird traits? Of course, because humans are pieces of shit who like to shit on other people that astronomically successful than them.

    14. I mean i am sure he is a nice guys, however the emerald mine in Africa kinda kill the moods

    15. Wojtek1250XD on

      Neuralink is a good thing as long as it’s kept in check

      Corporate greed must be kept as far away from this thing as possible

    16. He disagrees with me so he bad. Elon has founded multiple multi billion dollar businesses and is a great asset to our country. I really don’t care what his personal beliefs are, why do you?

    17. I admire spacex scientists and engineers. I despise the piece of crap that Elon is.

    18. popcornpotatoo250 on

      I always love their innovations. We always needed them. But I never grown a liking to Musk. Probably because I am not active on Twitter. I just tune in to what new cool things they do.

      Thank god that people here in the comments acknowledges that you can like their innovations while disliking musk. Twitter people can’t do that.

    19. Bitter_Ad8498 on

      The thing about neural link is that it over promises and under performed there’s a company that’s future along

    20. I like him too, although he could have named the intolerant left stuff better than “the woke mind virus”, sounds really cobbled together imo

    21. cescmkilgore on

      I’ve always thought Elon Musk was an overpraised moron. Basically a dumb version of Edison. I was proven right by Musk himself.

      But I’ve always admired the work SpaceX is doing, though they could try to reduce their space pollution footprint…

    22. I like what I like. I couldn’t care less what random people on the internet think. And yes I like tea better than coffee.

    23. spacex is cool as all hell, even though i prefer nassa, spacex is cool, elon musk is *not*

    24. lou-bricious on

      Just a note for all the folk praising nueralink, you are correct that this technology is a step forward and a good thing, BUT, nueralink is not the only company doing this and the other companies are kind of better.

    25. IchundmeinHolziHolz on

      The only thing i support of this crazy f*cker is his flamethrower. Yup, thats the best one.

    26. earthworm_fan on

      I remember when this site was a massive Elon Musk circle jerk with constant praise pieces on the front page before he started speaking out against Democrats. 

    27. ive never really liked elon even before everything tbh

      sure him liking memes is cool but ive always been skeptical of rich powerful people so ive never bought into his hype

    28. WeaselBeagle on

      Hate Musk and all billionaires, but I respect the fuck out of the R&D being done at Neuralink and SpaceX

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