All that “right to bear arms” talk was just talk ?

    by imjustheretodomyjob


    1. merenofclanthot on

      I don’t see a nation of gun enthusiasts practicing airsoft at an olympic level

    2. torcsandantlers on

      Because all the gun stuff in the US isn’t about honing skill and target shooting; it’s about gun fetishization and fantasies about killing people. The nations that are beating us have an investment in and respect for the skill of using firearms.

    3. It’s even more embarrassing because the US has the resources and expertise to train way more than any other country.

      I understand why countries like Russia, Iran, and China have robust martial artists and gymnasts. Some of these people are paid by the government to excel. That is their career. That is all they have. If they get injured or have some deficiency, they have no choice but to get back up. An American might not have the same drive for those things.

      But shooting is literally just time and money. Practice shooting, and have facilities, coaches, and materials available. That’s it. We really couldn’t get someone to just shoot 7 days a week? For a gold medal at least?

    4. Olympic shooting is a whole different animal to regular range practice. The guns are expensive, the range setup is expensive, the amount of training time needed is immense, and it is Nintendo hard just to qualify for the qualifiers. If we fail to medal in skeet, a significantly easier sport to get started and practice, that would surprise me.

    5. PrisonaPlanet on

      All the gun nuts in America are just that, nuts. They’re not trained marksmen or sharp shooters, they just “think they’re really neat!”

    6. TumbleweedOk4821 on

      We even lost skeet shooting, a sport dedicated to hitting small moving targets.

    7. Most shootings in America have nothing to do with legally owned guns or “gun enthusiast”

    8. Emergency_Pudding on

      Precision shooting hasn’t been a strong suit for Americans in the news lately. Apparently we are better suited to fire lots of ammunition in a target rich environment.

    9. Beast_by_Dre on

      Cause they are trained professionals competing and the targets are not school children nor minorities.

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