I lose a bunch of weight and now I’m in my naked cat era apparently 😂

    by jake62hhs


    1. Yeah dramatic weight loss like that will leave with extra skin. Impressive work man. You killed it.

    2. Congrats on the weightloss dude. That’s a real accomplishment. If you don’t mind me asking does the skin tighten up eventually? If it doesn’t are you going to leave it as is or get the old nip tuck?

      If that’s too nosy I’ll fuck off no worries.

    3. Awesome work and amazing vibes!

      I’m 130lbs as a 5’6″ female and have bit of a pouchy lower belly even with working out few times a week and training in aerial silks… I like to think of it as akin to my cat’s primordial pouch 😁

    4. Skin should shrink, and if it doesn’t shrink completely, excess skin removal surgery is partially covered by some insurance providers.

      Floppy skin is better than the alternative. I had a relative who died of an entirely preventable obesity-related illness in her 40s. You’re a fucking champ for getting your weight under control.

    5. imreallynotthatcool on

      If you can’t laugh at yourself who can you laugh at? I’ve been really skinny my whole life and when people poke fun at me I tell them “if you’re going to make fun of me I’m just gonna hide” then I turn sideways.

    6. It is hard as hell to go calorie deficient and lose that much weight. Congrats!!

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