We need Megan Thee Reporter on this story

    by mymatt1


    1. uhohnotafarteither on

      He is utterly incapable of speaking the truth.

      He’s said he was shot in the ear.

      So, we can be sure that he wasn’t.

    2. No-Shelter-4208 on

      Oh. Based on the maxipad he stuck on it for days afterwards, I thought half his ear was gone.

      Looking back, I’m surprised he didn’t apply a plaster cast to reset the “ear bones”.

    3. Nothinghere727271 on

      Grazed, barely (scratched) by whatever hit him, if a 5.56 hit his ear, it’d be mangled or gone

    4. LiberateMeFromYou on

      The FBI confirmed he was either hit by a bullet or shrapnel(bullet fragments). My guess would be shrapnel.

    5. turkish_gold on

      Reptiles have remarkable regenerative processes that no mammal can compare to.

    6. Y’all are silly. We’ve all heard him speak. The bullet obviously just slipped clean through that space between the ears without meeting any resistance. 

    7. PresJamesGarfield on

      At best, it was a piece of shrapnel. But what’s so weird is how Trump is so embarrassed at that suggestion. He still got shot at, which is a pretty serious thing.

    8. AaronsAaAardvarks on

      I don’t care what hit him. That he was shot at is all that really matters. But if questioning it gets trump upset then I’m all in. When they go low we curb stomp.

    9. The longer we keep this going in the news cycle, the better it is for Trump.

    10. I have kitchen related cuts that haven’t healed that quickly or cleanly. Fuhrer Trump is truly superhuman.

    11. slackerboyfx on

      The actual wound is to the scalp above the ear. He just can’t show it because it would reveal that he is wearing a toupee.

    12. Piece of glass or a bullet why is this such a big deal? It’s not like he got his ear blown off, he got grazed, everyone’s shocked he’s not deformed or some shit from having thin cartilage get nicked

    13. Jhon_doe_smokes on

      Glass? I’ve seen forensic fucking recaps of how it happened and it was all fake 😂 I kinda knew cause if he was really shot that shit woulda been all over SM on every platform 1M times lol

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