Iran broadcasts censored Olympic games

    by squee166


    1. This seems quite extreme to me, and it puts Iran in a very bad light. Do they censor men’s chests in boxing matches?

    2. The fact that you can’t tell if this is satire or real says alot about Irans view on women.

    3. Zestyclose-Holiday41 on

      Im Iranian, and I feel obfuscate they didn’t censored the feet, now I have a boner

    4. Striking_Reality5628 on

      only it’s not an Iranian TV channel, it’s an old humorous show from Europe.

      Old Orwell knew where to place the Ministry of Truth correctly.

    5. Fierce_Pirate_Bunny on

      Mmmmm that got me horny for black boxes and bars right now. Sexy. Bars. And. Boxes. Love em.

    6. Someone somewhere in Iran is strategically pausing their TV for the moments when the black boxes miss their mark 🤣

    7. Annual-Astronaut3345 on

      This is satire. Iran wouldn’t broadcast Olympics like this. Assuming they are really strict about their laws, they simply won’t broadcast it in their country.

    8. Special_Lab6028 on

      They should also block the feet.
      I got a hard on looking at the feet. 😂

    9. jumpofffromhere on

      “The infidels allowed us to see their hair, this means war, death to America, death to Israel.”

    10. Informal_Zone799 on

      This is satire right? Did Iran actually try and use digital Burkas and completely mess it up?

    11. flyingfox227 on

      this is just depressing, a society this repressed and afraid of the human body should not still exist in 2024.

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