Where are the American Boom Towns [OC]

    by Maxinomics


    1. Source: US Bureau of Economic Analysis
      Tools: Alteryx, Tableau, Adobe Illustrator

    2. Few things popped up while making this…
      1. San Francisco and the Bay Area doing well despite negative news coverage
      2. Florida has been the fastest growing state by GDP over the past 5 years
      3. Dallas/Forth Worth has the fastest growing population of any US metro. At least one study forecasts it to be the most populous metro in the US by 2100
      4. Utah is growing quickly while also being the youngest state in the US with a median age of 32 years old. For comparison, Florida is the oldest with a median age of 43

    3. Wow. Some interesting finds here. Doesn’t feel like this is the data we hear about in the news. Probably because it doesn’t fit any particular narrative.

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