Trump said this when asked how Melania reacted to the attempted assassination:

    by janjinx


    1. WaitingForNormal on

      “My wife either likes me or loves me, I don’t know which because she won’t say, but I used old northern witch logic and have deduced it’s maybe one of those.”

    2. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen her smile or at least look happy. She always looks pissed off.

    3. In another post he said she told him it was a terrible moment. But I guess she didn’t say whether that was because he was shot, or that he survived.

    4. TheMagicalMatt on

      Husband who was nearly shot: so what’s your feeling?

      Wife: I can’t really really talk about it

      Yeah, that’s a perfectly normal conversation…

    5. careful melania. you may inherit his wealth but you will also inherit his debts. and god knows how deep those go.

    6. PebblyJackGlasscock on

      “Let’s say if she could talk about it freely” is **weird**.

      Blink twice if you can’t talk freely?

    7. Oldskoolguitar on

      Yeah but Joe Biden would stutter.

      Never mind Trumps constant word salads. Never mind him making up words, and never going beyond a fifth grade vocabulary.

      Joe Biden stutters sometimes.

      Fuckin hell.

    8. Grombrindal18 on

      Most people don’t need to worry as much about whether our wife of 19 years actually cares about us.

    9. And people still keep insisting that Biden was worse because he talked slowly and lost his train of thoughts every now and then. All the while Trumps babbling never really makes sense and just keeps on talking in the hope everyone loses their train of thoughts and he comes out as a winner which never happens.

    10. Reading direct quotes from him gives me a headache. There’s no flow, it’s just gibberish.

    11. FunctionDissolution on

      Is Donald ok? Is he seeing anyone for that Alzheimer’s he seems to be developing?

    12. Fake_William_Shatner on

      “Vy. Vy! We vind zee vone nutzball in America who bad with gun. Vy!”

    13. blearghhh_two on

      I swear, Kamala’s campaign should do a whole series of ads just with his exact quotes with him saying them. No scary music, no extra imagery, just his full unfiltered, unaltered words written and spoken exactly as he said them.

      Then the camera would switch to Kamala rolling her eyes and giving a “do you believe this guy?” kind of look.

    14. 1L0veTurtles on

      Seriously: is this what he said, literally? I wanna hear it out loud ’cause that such a word salad that even my third grader could not concoct.

    15. ILikeItAlot78 on

      She was definitely disappointed. Can’t get all that money while he’s still breathing. And she probably can’t stand him, tbh….

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