My 6th-great grandfather Christopher Bernhoft, 1690-1754. He was a parish priest in Støren, central Norway.

    by Brave-Ad-6268


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      Christopher Andersen Bernhoft (1690-1754) was born in [Oppdal]( in central Norway (Trøndelag). His father was the parish priest Anders Hansen Bernhoft, who came from a long line of priests. His mother was Anna Catharina Withe, who was a priest’s daughter and granddaughter of an English immigrant (Sebastian White).

      Christopher studied theology in Copenhagen, like his father, and graduated with top degrees (laudabilis) in 1715. He started working as a personal chaplain (assistant priest) for Bendix Friis, parish priest of Støren, Norway. In 1731 Christopher was promoted to parish priest of Støren, which he remained until his death. As parish priest he was entitled to use the local parsonage (priest’s farm). Støren Parsonage was the king’s property, but the parish priest was allowed to use it for free and (mostly) without paying taxes for it. In return he had to provide board and lodging for travelling government officials. In 1733 the king himself came on a visit. [Christian VI]( (1699-1746) was going on a tour of Norway and stopped at Støren on July 18 for one night before continuing to [Trondheim](

      In addiction to the parsonage Christopher owned another large farm in the area, Skårvold, and a forest. He also owned the three churches in the area, which meant that the obligatory tithe was part of his income.

      Christopher was married twice, first to Agnethe Jørgensdatter Hougs (my ancestor) and then to Susanne Evensdatter Meldal, both of them daughters of priests. His sons Anders, [Jørgen]( (my ancestor), Bendix, Hans and Frederik all became priests. His daughter Anna married a priest.

      Christopher is supposed to have been physically very strong. There is a story that his student sons were visiting his farm, and he was talking to them about the diminishing physical strength of humans. He asked them to move a large rock at the farm, but none of them were able to, so he carried it away himself.

      A dramatic story took place on Christopher’s farm Skårvold in 1744. Two servants, Siri Steensdatter (at Støren Parsonage) and Marit Jensdatter (at Skårvold), had fallen in love with the soldier Ole Jenssen. Eventually Marit became his fianceé, but she suddenly fell very ill. When Siri heard the news that Marit’s condition was improving, she travelled to [Trondheim]( and acquired some poison. She then visited Skårvold where they had cooked soup that night. She noticed that a portion had been set aside, and correctly guessed that it was meant for Marit, who was still lying in bed. The next morning Marit was found dead. Maybe Siri could have got away with with the crime, if it wasn’t for the fact that three other servants had eaten from the same portion as Marit. They all got ill, and one of them died. A criminal case was initiated and Marit was sentenced to death. The execution method was beheading by axe, and her head was put on a pole.

      Source for the portrait:

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