Back in my day if you were passionate about something you were called a nerd

    by RedWarrior42


    1. NomenClayshore on

      Now anyone I know call themselves a nerd and they say they have autism like it’s something to be proud of.

    2. And if someone dares to stand up for themselves they might receive the line “your autism is showing” as if having a backbone means you don’t get someone else’s point.

    3. More like self diagnosing. “I’m hyperfixating on x” uhh, can’t you just like something? Not everything is hyperfixating. “The neurodivergent need to not hear people chewing“ – that is not neurodivergent alone. Plenty of people can’t stand that. None of this is aimed at people who genuinely are nd.

    4. Master_Income_8991 on

      No you don’t “need oxygen to live”, it’s just your “Special Interest”, you really have Autism!

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