damn even the teacher 😭

    by ASG00


    1. Doesn’t sound like bullying

      Sounds like something every 7th grader said to their friend

    2. WaluigiIsTheRealHero on

      If you weren’t a virgin in 7th grade something very fucked up was going on.

    3. secretlyjesus on

      Yu Yu Hakusho is an all time Top 5 anime and I will fight anybody who disagrees.

    4. FlockOfDramaLlamas on

      When I was in elementary school an older boy tried to bully me for being fat by calling me Jenny Craig but I didn’t know who that was so I was just like “??? That’s not my name, you’ve known me for months.”

    5. White dude here. Grew up getting bullied by other white kids and white teachers for loving hip-hop. Got called a “wigger” quite a bit. And I mean, these other asshole kids would call me that and the teachers would just chuckle!


      And I ain’t shit in real life by the way. I didn’t grow up and use this scorn into being a superhero or anything. Just the same idiot I’ve ever been.

    6. Young_KingKush on

      I dare you to watch the first 3 episodes of Yu Yu Hakusho without crying/getting emotional, especially if you a male and had it rough coming up. That show is a GOAT and you are better off not being friends with anyone who disagrees.

    7. ![gif](giphy|UX2CeNLlzkEda|downsized)

      The way this post makes me want to watch the boys again. So much nostalgia.

    8. Aint3asybeingch33sy on

      Mfs would here a story like this and proceed to gaslight someone about how it’s impossible to get bullied simply for liking anime.

    9. CuriousTsukihime on

      Running in a crowd, in a faceless town, I need to feel the touch of a friend…

    10. jitterscaffeine on

      I knew a guy in high school who didn’t like talking about liking anime because his dad and brother saw him watching DBZ and a part with Buu acting goofy was on and they called him the f-slur.

    11. If I was a teacher, I don’t think I could’ve avoided laughing. I also think could’ve  taken that roast in stride if it was just a one-off and not a repetitive thing

    12. Still being a fan of pro wrestling especially in highschool and getting told “fake” it is

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