
    by Only4moneymitch


    1. Icanfallupstairs on

      This feels very much like a shallow attempt to appeal to a certain demographic.

    2. awesomedan24 on

      It was an autism event and he was just being nice to the kid who asked. Don’t read too much into it.

    3. As someone with autism… I doubt it

      If he got overwhelmed easy, or if his logic was really black and white, or if he didn’t understand facial expressions, or had some kind of sensory issue, then *maybe* I could see that. But besides acting a little strange and liking some weird things, he shows no other symptoms or traits.

      Of course a person can still be a silly dork without autism, but there’s definitely more to autism than that

    4. Fucking hell do we have that much time to waste this kind of bullshit arguing. So fucking what

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