She isn’t going to take your guns or gasoline engine Ted, and definitely not your fucking cheeseburgers

    by Ahad_Haam


    1. PuzzleheadedRoyal559 on

      If I lived in Texas, I’d be more worried that my senator is thinking about his junk food than the American people, but then again, that’s on brand for Trump.

    2. Common_Objective_461 on

      ‘She will never take my paper towels, and you can take that to the bank!’

      – Ted once all this rhetoric fails

    3. teebalicious on

      “I don’t care about other people’s children, the environment, or made up shit I made up to make myself feel like a tough guy.” – totally not a sociopath.

      “Hey, man, poorly ventilated gas stoves in residential apartments are linked to high rates of asthma in kids. Maybe we should look into that.”

      “THEYRE COMING FOR YOUR STOVES!!!11!!one!!!”

      These gormless fuckbags don’t care about anyone or anything but that sweet hit of dopamine when they pwn some imaginary enemy.

    4. Succulent_Relic on

      Honestly, with all the noise and things the Trumpists are saying, I think they’re scared of Harris. I think they’re scared, cause they see someone competent whom they can’t bully or belittle.

    5. Revolutionary_Tip701 on

      And I don’t want her assistance when the power goes out.

      Anyways I’m off to Mexico

    6. And people vote for this drooling halfwit! Why would any rational person believe a word that falls out of his second anus.

    7. I really hope the Democrat voters of Texas get out and vote blue this election

    8. PixelsGoBoom on

      Oh no! She can’t have any of your imaginary issues?

      Guess we’ll have to run on affordable healthcare, no tax dodging for the ultra-rich, affordable schools without religious indoctrination, fair elections, a women’s right to choose and not handing over the USA to a fascist dictatorship.

    9. Motor-Pomegranate831 on

      The key to making things up to be mad about is that they shouldn’t be so obviously made up.

    10. I hope future generations find this quote in history books as an example of how unhinged the Republican Party became.

    11. yetagainitry on

      Jesus he’s been using that “you can’t take my steaks” line since Obama.

    12. TheNatureBoy on

      Not your guns! I still remember when Jimmy Cart, …, no wait Bill Clint, …, wait hold on, it was Barack Husain Obam, …, maybe Joe Bid, …, well it doesn’t mater who it was. This election matters beccause the Democrats what to take your guns.

    13. arizonatasteslike on

      “Momma, plis don’t let that scary lady take m’a guns or m’a meat?” – Cancun Ted

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