So what? 🤦

    by malus545


    1. Aspirational1 on

      It’s a cult.

      It has nothing to do with politics, it’s a straight out cult.

    2. EileenForBlue on

      She wants a cut too! Reminds me of the Righteous Gemstones but with absolutely no redeeming features.

    3. FatmanMyFatman on

      Yep. But their leader is from two creepy quotes.

      “If she wasn’t my daughter I’d date her!”

      And when Howard Stern remarked his daughter was a nice piece of ass Trump replied: “Yes. She is a nice piece of ass!” Normal dads would beat people who say such things senseless. 🤨🙄

    4. AValentineSolutions on

      Pedophilia is awesome! Because Trump! 🤪 Remember when being a pedophile was a shameful thing? What blows my mind is how many of them call my LGBT brothers and sisters as “groomers”, then say this shit. Irony.

    5. NotAnAIOrAmI on

      Her grandpa’s reaction to her was avid hunger. Like she was Ivanka. Maybe Ivanka has aged out for his tastes.

    6. Minimalistmacrophage on

      While **not** in agreement with the posters point, in most states in the union she is of legal age.


      The Majority of States (31) have an age of consent of 16

      Smaller Minority of States (7) have an age of consent of 17

      Larger Minority of States (12) have an age of consent of 18

    7. Aggressive-Story3671 on

      They are giving her so much grace they would not extend to the daughter of a Democrat. Remember when Rush Limbaugh made fun of Chelsea Clinton? Yet no Democrats are going to on TV or podcasts and mock Kai’s appearance

    8. This is the GOP… He’s not saying 17 is too young. He’s saying that she’s almost ‘aging out’!

    9. I’ll be mean, even if she was legal. She’s bright fucking orange and looks too much like her dipshit father. So it makes her ugly inside and out.

    10. Darksoul_Design on

      MAGAs don’t care, how many of them were saying that girls are at their peak at 16. It’s the party of pedos, so she certainly isn’t exempt.

    11. Abodeslinger on

      Junior is a chip off of the old block! Maybe Melania’s anchor baby Damien, I mean Barron can get in on a 3 way!

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