1. EloquentEvergreen on

      It would be pretty cool if the news had actual responses like this to Trump’s lies. 

    2. Cluefuljewel on

      Joe that’s great but your time might be better spent if you watched your entire debate performance bc you admitted you haven’t. If you had you’d understand why people are so freaked out. But I’m sticking by Biden bc I just don’t see how we walk away from our nominee. Who won the primary. How Democratic is it for the Washington power brokers and wealthy donors to effectively replace the nominee?!

    3. BrightNeonGirl on

      Is this for real? I don’t have twitter, but the 2.4M views in less than 2 hours would lead me to believe this is real.

      This is just so sassy and needed in the best way.

    4. One thing I’ve been trying to figure out. If Donald was such a great president and did so many great things and made the country so great, then how is it (in his opinion) a complete fucking mess a mere 3 years after he left office? Shouldn’t his fabulous policies have kept America “great” longer than 3 years?

    5. Only_Garbage_8885 on

      We all know Biden didn’t tweet that. It was his handlers. At least trump tweets his own stuff 

    6. spacey_siren on

      Is the Hannibal Lecter thing real? 😂😭
      Thanks for posting these! I am enjoying these while eating Oreos and taking a break from studying.

      I need Biden to be this saucy every day!

    7. The issue I see is that these posts are at least 12 hours too late. (Really closer to 20 hours too late.). All he is doing now is bringing Trump’s speech back into people’s heads 24 hours after they forgot about it.

    8. And I’m over here just wanting everybody to get off Twitter and stop supporting that Nazi loser fuck Elon

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