I have a tube with my Brain fluid in it

    by FriendlyBabyFrog


    1. Megalynarion on

      See, now this is what I’m talking about. This is mildlyinteresting. All the rest of y’all Uberinteresting and notinterestingatall folks take notes here.

    2. I’m not a brainfluidologist, but that seems like… *a lot* of brain fluid?

    3. That’s cool… kinda creepy to know that the liquid in you are holding was once in your brain, or is that the fluid around the brain?

      I’m so curious to know why you have it.

    4. Is it shimmery in the vial? We were told that it has a shimmery halo on white paper tissue/bandages. That’s one of the ways to determine a leak after head trauma.

    5. Have you/they considered placing a VP shunt instead of sporadically draining it?

    6. You get to tell people ya carry your brain in a pocket.. yes I know over use of you….

    7. InevitableFly on

      Mix it in with some vodka and sell it as Zombie Brain Fluid Vodka to some weirdos

    8. ImpossiblePudding on

      Hell of an opening line for a date, especially if you present it while you say it.

    9. DrBrainologist on

      I extract this for a living. Nothing like clear pure brain fluid to start off a Monday morning.

    10. Safe-Chance-335 on

      Rad! I loved our histo-museum when I worked vet life. Filled with amazingly cool specimens so I have an appreciation for why people want this. We had more than one pet owner who requested their pets “gonads” in a jar. (Preserved) Not saying it’s something I’d ever want and never have brought home but it was always hilarious and I’m sure it’s a great convo starter at parties. lol!

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