1. You’re not as ugly as you think, and for god’s sake, don’t pigeonhole yourself into IT.

    2. lifeworthknowing on

      People are idiots and most are fickle. Take care of you and make you happy. You really only have one person you have to make happy in this life. No one else is doing that for you. Also find an inside job, cars are cool and all but it is so hot out here.

    3. Definitely get help for your video game addiction.

      Still gaming but have a lot more control and handle business before touching the PC. (I’m successful with a good job, go to the gym regularly and have a clean living space). But 2011 me would set aside everything to play 4-5 hours a day.

    4. DisasterLumpy7443 on

      Never put your financial security in the hands of your significant other!!!!
      Be financially independent
      DO NOT be a people pleaser ……no one gives a shiny sh**!

    5. GeneSpecialist3284 on

      I’d have to slap the teenager me around a bit. Learn Spanish. Don’t start smoking cigarettes. No, don’t marry him, stupid!

    6. Since it’s all hypothetical, wouldn’t it be better to go forward in time and ask your future self what to do now?

    7. Grandmaster_Autistic on

      Please for the love of God don’t try to convince anyone else of anything. Join a trade union. Break up with your girlfriend. There are a million like her that are loyal. Stay sober. Work hard

    8. supasquirrelz on

      You know that AA meeting your friend told you to go to when you were 14? Yeah, they were right.

    9. CampingGeek2002 on

      Your whole world doesn’t revolve around relationships focus on yourself

    10. Don’t give people money.

      Either they’ll keep asking for more, or they’ll actively resent you for helping them. If you’re lucky both.

      You create this strange status game, where you being in a position to help them is insulting or something…

      It’s easier to just act broke or to disassociate from anyone who keeps asking for help.

    11. Love is a choice and requires work. Because someone was in love before you were together doesnt mean they are going to love you forever.

    12. CakeOriginal63 on

      I wish i knew about anxiety, stress and how our body works. I would had made so many different choices if i could go back. I would tell myself you been through a lot and take one day at a time. Would have brought organization and productivity skills. Would had started Gratitude journal and perhaps started donation journal as well. Help people around me and discover myself, instead of fixing other people by sacrificing my own dreams.

    13. When people show you who they are, PAY ATTENTION!! Don’t brush it off. Respect yourself enough to not take abuse.

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