This is just evil

    by Unusual-State1827


    1. Virtual_Syrup262 on

      Those kinds of people need to be thrown in Ukraine or Gaza to understand the magnitude of what’s happening

    2. Yes-its-really-me on

      And on Russian State television they’ll be claiming those poor kids were being treated against their will and needed liberated.

    3. Remember that brief period when the conservatives were impressed with Ukranian tractors pulling blown out Russian military vehicles?

    4. ‘The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.’

    5. Fun-Sugar-394 on

      See at first I read that as shocked disbelief at how fucked up that us…then I saw the blue check mark

    6. AssistanceLegal7549 on

      Name16381638172 must be real. There is no way this is a troll account.

    7. Psychological_Wall_6 on

      Yes. Furthermore, believe anything that Elijah Hiphop 9*10^19 told you.

    8. Don’t believe your lying eyes!!

      If you thought this is bad, wait until Trump is back. No more Ukraine OR Gaza.

    9. I_like_short_cranks on

      What time do the protests start at Columbia U?

      Surely the activists cannot just stand by as Ruzzia bombs childrens’ hospital.

    10. ForeverNearby2382 on

      We should buy her a one way ticket to Moscow. Dr. Strangelove style

    11. Left-Cut-3850 on

      How can a missile go in a parabola, when the earth is flat??? Open your eyes!


    12. NewPresWhoDis on

      I totally trust you, stranger with string of random numbers in your handle whose account is probably barely a month old

    13. PumpkinOwn4947 on

      Reagan would turn into a democrat if he saw how fu**ed the republic party has become.

    14. 3ThreeFriesShort on

      The party of “let’s blow people up for cheaper gas.” They won’t go as far as saying exactly how much money a foreigners life is worth, but somewhere the GOP has a number.

    15. hardnreadynyc on

      Dont believe it! Look at that white privilege c**t who’s never known a moment of strife or discomfort in her life, siding with an invading country blowing up hospitals. What happened to people? What kind of fucking hill is this to die on?

    16. War isn’t hell. War is war. Hell is filled with people who deserve to be there, war is filled with people that shouldn’t be there.

    17. LordSintax79 on

      Yes… the string of numbers at the end of your username marks you as totally not an account created in 45 seconds for this very purpose.

    18. Similar-Act244 on

      Conservatives don’t have the ability to accept anything that doesn’t jive with their completely distorted fragile worldview

    19. Weltraumbaer on

      These people will have no problem believing it. They’ve mastered the art of creating their own reality.

      You could show them a green ball and they would claim that it isn’t green but blue and any notion that the ball is green should be ignored – while we all stare at the green ball.

    20. Organic-Maybe-5184 on

      I’m Russian and it’s appalling. No matter how blatantly the regime commits war crimes and spreads terror, there are always people rationalizing it or just denying. I tried to tell myself to talk to such people, but I gave up, because it’s useless. It’s like talking to chatgpt to get around imposed restrictions: it may slip a few times, but the restrictions are always there.

    21. ![gif](giphy|TxlxkVvdWfdRK|downsized)

      Putin walks amongst the explosion start.

    22. They tried this before. Last time they said it was a school. But it turned out to be a ukrainian missile that missed and hit a school parking lot

    23. Eldestruct0 on

      It could have happened, but I also remember the Ukrainian SAM that blew up some German civilians and how Zelensky tried to claim it was Russian instead of being honest; at this point I don’t have much reason to trust either side at face value.

    24. SilverFlight01 on

      *Literally shows rubble and dust everywhere*

      “Don’t believe it”

    25. Winter-Gas3368 on

      Funny how there was no big posts from you lot when the beach attacks happened or when the apartment attacks happened.

      Sub is a Liberal cringe circle jerk

    26. Connect-Spread8934 on

      “Damage in Kiev was due to errant air defense, not a Russian missile strike. But of course you cant go against the propaganda liars and actually report facts.” – CNN News

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