Biden and the media

    by Skolney


    1. Democracy is on the line, so let’s let Epstein’s BFF make this a referendum on Biden’s age!

    2. presterkhan on

      I look forward to hearing daily reports about the number of Parkinson’s doctor visits, falls, times he forgot to turn off the oven, and times he complained about how Walmart moved the peanut butter section. His defiance will be the undoing, and he will be undone by legacy media talking heads.

    3. Ok-Rush5183 on

      The fact he isn’t dropping out is another rbg waiting to happen.

      Downvote all you want but you know I’m right.

    4. EmperorXerro on

      Meanwhile, Diaper Don has not made a public appearance in the last 10 days…

    5. ZappyStatue on

      You know, people can moan and b*tch all they want. But at the end of the day, no other Democratic candidate who would even be remotely viable is stepping in. People could have (in theory) voted for Dean Phillips to be the Democratic Nominee. They didn’t. Millions of voters went with Biden in the Democratic primaries.

      It’s time to get your act together. The choice is going to be between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. And if you care about democracy and preventing fascism and authoritarianism in the United States, you will vote for Joe Biden.

    6. Mr_Kittlesworth on

      It’s only the campaign that thinks this is all media influence or that it’s about becasue of “a bad debate.” It’s about the fact that he confirmed the primary attack against him, and in doing so, probably made it impossible for him to win and raised very legitimate concerns about his ability to do the job. I think Biden is the best policy president of my lifetime, and I’m in my 40s. But . . .

      If he truly can’t do the job 24/7 – if there are any significant times when he’s confused, and can’t express himself, then he *just shouldn’t be president*. I’m an ardent democrat, but if I feel that way I know the swing voters he needs will also.

      That’s not to say I wouldn’t vote for him over Trump. I’d crawl over broken glass on 500 degree asphalt to pull the lever for whomever we run against Trump. But we need fence sitters.

      Critically, the race is close and **Biden was losing before the debate.** The only way to beat trump will be to run a vigorous campaign and reassure the public that he’s with it. If he can’t do that he needs to step aside.

      If there had been a rumor that Obama, Bush, or Clinton had had a stroke and weren’t up to the job, any of those three guys would have walked out of the White House and given a long press conference that day. *Because they were capable of it.*

      The fact that team Biden took a week and a half before scheduling a 15 minute interview with a former Clinton staffer who’s now a journalist to “prove” Biden is still with it suggests he probably isn’t.

    7. TheMagicalMatt on

      If Biden needs to drop out, demand Trump and Mitch do the same. Demand equal energy all across the board. Fuck republican owned media always cherry-picking what rules they get to apply and when.

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