Two Adult Foxes And Four Cubs Come For Food Every Evening.

    by lloydyhats


    1. cwalker2712 on

      If you continue to feed them they will come to depend on it. Let them fend for themselves.

    2. Don’t feed them, they might also go for your neighbors pets let alone they won’t be able to fend for themselves when they’re wild.

    3. supplyncommand on

      just saw a fox with a bad case of mange in our neighborhood. not long after that i see 3-4 healthy ones roaming around. you don’t want these guys to become your backyard pets. the woman next door feeds the deer. we are surrounded by deer, foxes, squirrels, raccoons, you name it. there are too many unkempt yards nearby too. nature is taking over. not ideal for people with dogs and young kids.

    4. Roubaix62454 on

      Why do people always insist on feeding wild animals? It’s not AWW or mildly interesting or cute. We live outside of town in a rural area and feed no wildlife other than birds. This is illegal in our town for what should be obvious reasons. What do people think all the other wild animals do to survive?

    5. A fox attacked people’s pets in my area; this is unusual and the vet advised this is because someone was feeding the wild animals and as such they now see it as their territory.
      Please don’t feed wild animals.

    6. They are not coming for food every evening, you are leaving food so they are coming

    7. Mom and dad taking the kids out for dinner. We have a fox family that visits us but only after dark.

    8. A_lot_of_arachnids on

      Wow way to create problems for neighbors. This isn’t interesting. What you are doing is dumb.

    9. Little-Banana-7113 on

      I have a family of foxes in my garden most evenings.

      Recently they’ve been “stealing” things from other gardens and then. Last week it was someone’s gardening glove and this morning I found a shoe.

    10. Well yeah they come because you keep feeding them.
      You didnt get taught that you do not feed wildlife for their own good ?

      Ignorant behaviour really.

    11. feverishdodo on

      I’ve already called the police 🚨

      Nah but seriously don’t do this. Someone or their pet could get seriously injured if they become dependent and aggressive

    12. LemonHaze422 on

      A neighbour of mine used to feed the foxes everyday. Everybody else on the road had to ask him to stop because of the sheer amount of them that would hang around the road at night screaming their heads off and fight with each other

    13. Sisterinked on

      This is disgusting. You are not helping them, you’re making them dependent. If I knew where you lived I’d report you 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶 You’re not a good person.

    14. TurkeyTerminator7 on

      What’s your plan if you go on vacation for a week or somehow can’t manage to feed your growing wild fox population?

      Would they all die from starvation or would other routes be taken such as neighborhood cats and small dogs? Or human garbage? Just curious how you can’t sense how unsustainable this is?

    15. That’s unusual for the male to still be with the “family” Enjoy them now as soon each put will look for there own area to live in.

    16. Gingersnapperok on

      You’ve taught those kits that people mean easy food. Which means they’re more likely to approach or even aggress other humans. You taught them people aren’t dangerous. When the food isn’t there, they’ll go looking for it in the places humans are.

      And get hurt because humans are dangerous.

      Fed wildlife is dead wildlife.

    17. Oblivion615 on

      Stop feeding them. You want them to eat the rabbits and other rodents that will eat your garden or damage your property.

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