[OC] Drug overdose casualties over time in US states as a percentage of total deaths

    by oscarleo0


    1. Data source: [CDC – Provisional Drug Overdose Death Counts](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/drug-overdose-data.htm)

      Tools used: Matplotlib

      I wanted to create a timeline chart with reference lines and used the drug overdose data from the CDC. One challenge was to give the viewer some information about each reference line. The idea I came up with was to add each short-form name to the right according to their latest value.

      I wrote a function that added each name in parallel with its line but one step to the right if the location was occupied. It’s not always possible to see which line belongs to which name, but it was the best I could do.

      Let me know what you think about the design! 🙂

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