an intellectual

    by LatinaSexyy


    1. Due to the fact that the night belongs to lovers
      Due to the fact that the night belongs to love
      Due to the fact that the night belongs to lovers
      Due to the fact that the night belongs to us

    2. MantisTobogganMD87 on

      I had a professor who really really.. really hated unnecessarily wordy writing. I remember her just harping on how “to anyone with more than a highschool freshman’s level of reading/writing, this just makes you look stupid and lazy as a writer.” It was a literature class, but the essays we would have to write were graded maybe more heavily on composition than actual literature analysis. It really has changed the way I think though. Whenever I see these sort of nonsense phrases, I think “yeah, could have just said “because” there and it would have been more than fine.”

    3. I had an instructor that, when asked a question would begin his explanation with “what’s true is…”

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