Bunch of crybaby snowflakes if you ask me.

    by dylan_1992


    1. SeaEmergency7911 on

      No one was saying that the far right was going to win the next round of UK elections. Even the most die hard Torry supporters knew that Labour was going to absolutely crush them whenever the next elections were held.

    2. cutmasta_kun on

      That’s the first time they ever typed “France”. They don’t even know where on the map it is. They have no fucking clue how the politic system in france works.

      Here’s a tip: They don’t have only two parties. Coalitions are standard in a pluralistic democracy. Macron did normal political stuff.

      These shit-heads can’t grasp the fact that maybe the french were scared after the first voting round and EU voting. The far right in France, as in all of Europe, is a tiny small minority. It’s just the first time that the nazis are this bold and aggressive, usually they hide and cower like the rats they are.

    3. Robert_Balboa on

      Calling it collusion is wild.

      They decided that they should work together. Publicly. And so they are. That’s how government is supposed to function. The centrists and the liberals agree on most things so they thought the best course of action was to compromise together.

      Conservatives refuse to compromise or work with anyone else. That’s their problem and their fault. Maybe if they didn’t fill their positions with the craziest possible people and instead people who were willing to work with others to run the government effectively they could get some people to work with them.

    4. They learnt that right wing french list elections and then they decided they cared.

    5. Buttercups88 on

      These people are totally insane.

      I do “kinda” get parts of it. People have a tendency to what to oversimplify complex issues and the far right populists literally just pretend that is what you can do.

      It dose kind of work, if you kill and silence everyone who brings up problems you can effectively remove them as problems. It doesn’t stop them existing but as long as they aren’t directly effecting you it’s not a problem.

      But the majority of people don’t really want that when push comes to shove. A lot of people have gotten cognitive distance from problems for so long they just want to keep it, everyone has been very aware of terrible conditions and basic slavery in industry like fashion or chocolate for years but you don’t see it every day and it’s just not what you think about… But like you gotta wear clothes.

      It’s easier for people to put others suffering as not a problem when they have their own hardship and as belts tighten and that’s what the right sells. Where in good times people care more about helping and empathy.

    6. Accomplished-Moose50 on

      I like it how Americans are predicting what’s gonna happen in a country from another continent.  

      Country that had existed in some form 1000 years before anyone thought about making the united states.

    7. dorknight25 on

      Block a win is a piss poor way of saying lost the vote. Vive la France ❤️

    8. One of the first things the new Labour government in the UK did was end the Rwanda scheme, which (just for reference) cost half the entire defence budget to fill a single airliner with asylum seekers.

      I feel like the left wing are actually doing good things…

    9. YeetussFeetus on

      I genuinely hope, hopium on overdrive, that more and more centrist forces across the west realize that working alongside Progressives and leftists is better than conceding to the right.

      Will we have great debates and differences on things? Yes, but nothing can be and has been worse for the history of democracies than centrist forces, liberals, whatever you want to call them, conceding to the right to deny the left power. I’m not saying Stalinists or the LUNATICS that the left also harbors, but the far right is a club of near exclusive lunacy. There is a difference between universal healthcare and a racially ‘pure’ nation.

      This is as good an outcome as could be hoped for in my mind. Well done France.

    10. Junkpunch44 on

      It makes me feel a tiny bit better knowing that it isn’t just the US that has the crazy far right.

    11. Jack-Tar-Says on

      I’m not French, nor am I a socialist, but waking up this morning and finding out that the far right had come third was absolutely magic to hear.

      Screw those guys and their Putin lovin’ buttholes.

    12. Ankoku_Teion on

      Anyone who thinks starmer is a socialist needs to pull their head out of their arse and talk to a REAL socialist.

    13. Big booty breakfast taco doesn’t know what a socialist is if he thinks Starmer is one.

    14. Oldskool_Raver_53 on

      In the UK, our National Health Service is 76 years old, and the Welfare State was implemented around 1906. These people really don’t know what socialism means.

    15. It’s called coalition politics. 🥱 The American far right such a bunch of cry babies

    16. France is doing well without your opinion, sale facho de merde.

      The left won despite Bolloré’s best effort to brainwash the masses into voting for far right morons who don’t give the slightest shit about the common people.

      Let America make the right choice in 2024 and kick that orange felon to the ground (if possible with someone else than a decrepit old guy). If you’re ain’t atleast millionaire, the right doesn’t care about you people.

    17. itsapotatosalad on

      Oooh civil war is going to happen… no, the majority of people in civilised countries accept democracy. We don’t see political parties as sports teams and build our entire personalities around them. In a few days we’ll mostly have forgotten all about it and have a moan now and again when something hits the news.

    18. Oh god no, not the free health care and workers rights!! Everyone, run for your lives! 😱

    19. CupcakeNecessary9272 on

      They seem to miss the point, people voted for who they wanted. If they wanted Le Pen, they could have voted for her. Coalition Government is quite normal in Europe. The shock here wasn’t opposition parties working together against Le Pen it was that her vote was smaller than projected. Again, the people voted, they have spoken. Salty right wing American tears are simply a bonus.

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