A cicada wears a feline face. Not entirely sure why this small insect needs a lions face…but ok, each to their own.

    by xindigothoughtsx


    1. Interesting fact pretty much all felines if you wear a mask on the back of your head with a face on it they won’t try to sneak up on you. Cats when they’re hunting you only move when you move and you’re not looking at them. If they see something is watching them they are just generally dissuaded from hunting you unless they perceive you as injured or dying.

    2. ContractKitchen on

      I imagine it’s a type of camouflage to fool would-be predators. Some butterflies sport wings with large dots making them look like eyes of a larger animal.

    3. Steve_Dankerson on

      That’s just the skin it got as a reward for being one of the few to make it out early. Achievement complete. 🏆

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