Oh look….the Polls were all wrong.

    by yamers


    1. FocusIsFragile on

      Frenchies leading the way against these far right revanchist ghouls. Hopefully we can do the same in November.

    2. Someone from France is going to have to explain this graphic. I don’t understand what each thing is.


      I looked it up.

      Left side (mostly red) is the New Popular Front, a coalition of Socialist and other far left parties. That green bit is some kind of environmentalist party.

      The Ensemble (yellow) is another coalition of center-left groups, and led by Macron

      LR is Les Republicains, a center-right party

      DVD is Divers droite (Miscellaneous right) = centre-right

      RN, National Rally is the far right, is Le Pen

      Edit 2…

      and since the red, green, and yellow is bigger than the blue and black, then the left-wing parties should be able to run things.

    3. Well thank fuck for that. Marinara Le Peniskov can go cry to Putin that his money didn’t help her win.

    4. kantoblight on

      Why inaccurate polling favoring the far right in Europe spells doom for Biden and the dems.

    5. chaos0xomega on

      I don’t think the polls were wrong, I think they failed to take into account that 280+ center and left candidates dropped out and endorsed eachother to not split the anti-right vote. Likewise I think they failed to account from the additional turnout from ppl who saw the right might win and said “hell no”

    6. CarlSagan_1986 on

      So I haven’t followed the European elections much but from what little ingested from the news I was left thinking far right was winning in most places over there. Go figure it was just news rage baiting and fear mongering for clicks.

    7. Fluid-Imbecility on

      For Americans: Yes, polls can be wrong! Don’t give up, but don’t get complacent either. The reality is there’s no way to know for sure how it will go until the election. Ignore polls. Talk to your friends, family, coworkers about what’s going on. Vote. Talk to the ones you know don’t usually vote.

    8. Significant_Video_92 on

      See what happens when the left (of center) unites against the common foe. Now let’s hope they don’t engage in a circular firing squad.

    9. I think it’s simple. Been seen here in the US. **Pollsters have simply not learned how to poll young people.** Telephone polls in particular suffer from this

    10. It was such a relief to see the results live. Even if in my place a RN guy got elected, his party can suck more Russian dicks

    11. It’s because the Right scares people to death. I hope the same awareness of the DANGER right wing Anybodies pose to freedom, liberty, and Justice is recognized in the USA.

    12. Thank you France.

      Now, It is our turn to step up.

      We need to all unite behind the broad pro-democracy coalition fighting to defeat White Christian Nationalism.

    13. thesaddestpanda on

      For more info:

      Per the preliminary results, the NFP bloc has won between 170 to 190 seats in the 577-seat lower house, while RN has taken between 135 to 155 seats, behind President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist Ensemble bloc which looks set to take 150 to 170 seats.

      The result was unexpected with polls ahead of the vote predicting that RN was on course to clinch between 200 to 230 seats, even if looked set to miss out on an absolute majority.


      FWIW, [the far right did win big on the FIRST ROUND of voting](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/france-vote-election-that-could-put-far-right-government-2024-06-30/). This is the next round, where there was an unprecedented turn out. I think what happened is the polls were mostly correct on the data they collected but pollsters didn’t understand how many people would freak out at a pending RN win, so this increased turnout, which then made the polls wrong because the polls are built with likely voter scenarios.

      France isnt like the USA. They have multi-stage run-off voting. The USA’s polling still looks mostly correct, the same way 2020 predicted Biden’s win. For the USA to reproduce this, we’d need unprecendented turnout. I don’t know if that’s going to happen. We get one round of voting and that’s it. There’s no “freak out” moment for people who didn’t bother to vote the first (and only) time.

      In other words this is not exactly “polls bad,” but how French and most parliamentary elections work.

      tldr; If we want this in the USA we need a massive voter turn out.

    14. bogusjohnson on

      Almost as if the media is heavily right wing and trying to influence politics.

    15. RiflemanLax on

      Who answers polls? Old people that like to bitch and moan. Thats it.

      The fact that Trump is apparently losing to Biden in those polls should be encouraging.

    16. mochicrunch_ on

      This is why I keep saying that the polls are never an accurate predictor of voting behavior! Even in America, I still think that Biden and Democrats will do well in 2024. Despite the way, the media is portraying everything as panic and suicide, the voters ultimate decide not the media, not the politicians or political class.

    17. Mammoth-Mud-9609 on

      A number of candidates who were unlikely to win pulled out and recommended the voters vote against Le Pen.

    18. modsuperstar on

      Always need to remember these days that the media is often owned by billionaire oligarchs who have zero interest in progressiveness. It’s why I question the narrative in Canada that the Conservatives have an insurmountable polling lead, which seems to only serve to disenfranchise progressive voters.

    19. pigeon_at_a_keyboard on

      This is a gross oversimplification by someone who clearly doesn’t know what they’re talking about.
      The first round of voting was massively in favour of the right. The polling continued to reflect that.
      So, cente and left wing candidates were tactically withdrawn to avoid splitting the vote and allow for a focused response to the first round.
      It appears to have worked, thank goodness.

      All these bizarre American comments talking about “polls can be wrong!” and “the media tried to make the narrative!” – this is not America. Please do your research before making your comments.

    20. I’m glad fascism is getting rejected in many places and liberal politicians are taking control of governments. Now all we have to do is ensure the same rings true here. Flip seats in both houses and keep Biden. Hopefully several states can gain seats in their state level elections too.

    21. One_Hot_Doggy on

      Nationalism has a proven record of worsening conditions for the populace and leading to war and oppression. Why anyone would support nationalism makes no sense to me

    22. Private_HughMan on

      Not just the polls. The first round of the election really made me think the centrists and left would need to form a coalition to stop the far right. This is amazing!

    23. Glad-Sort-7275 on

      Proud to say I predicted this is the way it would go. Power of the two round system to let people get their priorities in order.

      All the French corporate drones at the office, the ones saying the right would win “for change” as if conservatives ever cared about change, are going to be crying tomorrow.

      After UK and France, now time for a fresh view on the US election and flush trump down the toilet of history forever.

    24. dragonfliesloveme on

      This is excellent news, but remember:

      In the UK, the Labour Party did not pick up votes. They held steady. The Tories lost, but they are in the process of being consumed by the Reform Party, which is akin to maga in the States consuming the Republican conservatives.

      And in France, Le Pen the natzee got 30% of first round voting. That is not insubstantial in a country with more than two political parties.

      Meanwhile, Russian propaganda continues on in these countries and the other democracies, trying to tear us apart from the inside.

      STAY VIGILANT and we have to get this propaganda out of these countries, it is time for parameters on political speech especially here in America

    25. Pingo-Pongo on

      The polls look about right to me. Some people didn’t grasp the nature of multi-round elections and predicted the far-right were on course to win with a plurality vote share, doesn’t mean the polls were wrong

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