Signals? What signals?

    by korn_spiracy


    1. Pure gold!

      I know many people, men and women, who are like this–totally missing it!

    2. 1001AngryCrabs on

      2 years from now he’s gonna be kicking himself because he just realized it was her

    3. RamsesThePigeon on

      During my freshman year of high school, my buddy Ben started dating a senior named Stephanie. They actually went on to get married, and they’re still together to this day… but that’s not the point. The point is that Stephanie had a younger sister who was my age, and to whom I was admittedly attracted. I viewed this as being a potential opportunity, and so – using my incredible subtlety and wit – I enacted a fiendishly diabolical plan:

      “Hey, Stephanie,” I said one morning, “can you set me up with your sister Lisa?”

      “Okay,” Stephanie replied.

      The following Friday, I picked Lisa up at her house… by which I mean, I rode along while my mother drove me there and then brought us both to the movie theater. We arrived far earlier than I’d intended, which left us free to explore the empty show-hall together. This adventure eventually saw us ducking into the area behind the screen and staring at the equipment (which mainly consisted of some support-beams and speakers).

      “Neat,” I said. “I guess.”

      Lisa nodded absentmindedly in response. “Yeah. This would be a good place to make out with someone.”

      “I guess,” I said again. “Hey, do you want anything to eat? Some candy or something?”

      Lisa stared at me pointedly, as though I had forgotten something important.

      “Oh!” I continued, suddenly realizing what I had forgotten. “Or would you like something to drink?”

      Once again, the young woman watched me with a quizzical expression. After another moment, she just shook her head with a smile and ducked back into the theater.

      The movie was pretty good, I guess.

      **TL;DR: I feel the need to slap myself when I see the area behind theater screens.**

    4. Lieutenant_Skittles on

      Definitely reminds me of me when I was younger. Although now it’s not much better, because I just convince myself that it’s just my imagination and should never act on it for fear of being labelled a creep.

    5. woollyyellowduck on

      Reminds me of the scene in Jackie Brown.

      Bridget Fonda’s character to Robert de Niro’s character (having just given us and him a feet show): wanna fuck?

      RDN character: ….yeah.

      If only people made it this simple IRL!

    6. My first sex partner was quite adventurous and definitely more experienced than me. She asked once if I had ever thought about doing anal & I instinctively thought she meant pegging me and said “Nope” in a frightened tone of voice. We broke up shortly thereafter. I think of that sometimes and do something mildly painful to myself.

    7. TheChaseLemon on

      Men don’t understand hints. Not even obvious hints.

      Women, just tell us what the fuck you want.

    8. In HS a lady friend of mine told me she was gonna breakup with her boyfriend because she liked me.

      It took me 2 WEEKS to ask her out properly. She got mad on the phone before I did and I said “ok I’ll ask you out tomorrow”


      Later she did the same to me. Was away at uni and met another guy and ditched me.

      Fun extra side bar it was 2 weeks before I was scheduled to have a kidney transplant (I’m great now thanks for asking!), and carried that guilt her whole life. About 22 years later flew to the city I lived in to meet up so she could say sorry (and added a family visit in there). Forgiveness was given in a very light manner, I didn’t hold a grudge.

    9. Darkosaurus94 on

      When guys do this: they’re stupid and will regret it

      When girls are doing this: you’re probably a creep and supposed to get out

    10. Then there’s the other way around: “omg, she’s sending all the signals, I really think that she likes me. Come on, man up and make a move, this one is bulletproof. Ok, here goes nothing… “

    11. I have a nagging suspicion I did this. It’s been 30 years, and it just recently hit me that there may have been signs. I’m still 50/50 on it though, and in retrospect I’m glad it played out the way it did, we would have driven each other crazy.

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