How stupid are you🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

    by Leather_Hawk_8123


    1. Shelters and vets that perform spay abortion are still operating, how shocking

      Edit: /s (hoped that was implied)

    2. NotQuiteNick on

      I think if they were killing babies they would also have been shut down

    3. Flux_resistor on

      I think we can compromise and stop putting post birth babies in a blender

    4. Hot_Abbreviations936 on

      Wow this person is too stupid to use google! Ever heard of the “humane Society?”

      Showing results for [how many animals ***euthanized*** in the US yearly](

      On average, **1.5 million** shelter animals are euthanized every year in the United States. Shelters around the country euthanize an estimated 670,000 dogs and 860,000 cats each year.

      Adopt a cat, abort an unwanted child. LOL

    5. Tiny_Anteater_785 on

      Weird it’s almost like tons of shelters and rescues do this reluctantly to control population (because puppies and kittens are far cuter than human offspring) and most have not been shut down due to this.

    6. Oh God the intelect of some Americans. Just want to bang your head against the wall sometimes.

    7. GovSurveillancePotoo on

      The ASPCA kills over 900,000 cats and dogs per year. We have no idea how many PETA kills, because they only self report, and they’re lying scumbags.

      As far as human babies being killed, planned parenthood hasn’t killed any as life begins at birth 

    8. Mournful_Vortex19 on

      It’s funny cuz PETA does exactly that and yet they still haven’t been shut down

    9. Supremagorious on

      They say that but PETA is still a thing and they murder a whole bunch of puppies and not in the hyperbolic these will eventually be puppies if a whole bunch of conditions are met and maintained for the next several months like these people talk about babies. I mean in the grab a puppy kill it in a van and throw it in a fast food dumpster killing puppies kind of way.

    10. If the oil companies were stealing money from puppy care, instead of human care, we’d of shut them down by now.

    11. Blatantly ignore the fact that most pets are sprayed at a young age to avoid unwanted pregnancies altogether (I’m not suggesting we do that to humans btw)

    12. BoostedLexus on

      Im all for women’s rights and sex education/safety, but fuck Planned Parenthood in California!

      The non profit Unchained At Last is fighting for a bill(AB2924) in California to be passed and have child marriage illegal here since it’s perfectly legal to marry a minor. But the Children’s Law Center, ACLU, PP & their California spokesperson Jennifer Wonnacott are AGAINST a bill that abolishes child marriage in the state of California.

      “An analysis from Unchained At Last found that between 2000 and 2018, 23,588 minors were married in California, making it the state with the second-highest number of child marriages behind Texas.”

    13. If Planned Parenthood payed GOP just 1% of what NRA pays them, they will be pro choicers.

    14. No one is killing babies. Killing babies is now and always has been illegal.

    15. This person and everyone that agrees with this has never adopted a kid, I guarantee it.

    16. A friend of mine once convinced me to adopt a female cat that she had adopted from the street. Upon taking this cat to the vet to get it spayed, I learned it was pregnant, and the vet asked me whether I wanted to pay a little extra for an abortion at the same time. I agreed to it.

    17. melodiousmurderer on

      School shooters are killing your children, but since shutting that down with reasonable gun control doesn’t work for your agenda you don’t seem too bothered by it.

    18. Yes because why would you kill a puppy for no fucking reason

      “I’m pregnant”

      “Alright, let’s murder a puppy”

    19. Candid_Umpire6418 on

      If they’d killed chickens, they would be promoted to colonels instead.


    20. TheFlaccidChode on

      Doesn’t America still kill healthy dogs if they don’t get adopted within a few weeks?

    21. Gloomy_Progress_6324 on

      I don‘t think pets in breeding get as much protection as this guy is hoping for (for his agenda)

    22. Vets do spay aborts ALL THE TIME for the health of the (female dog so I don’t get dinged for a slur) in cases of unwanted pregnancy. For people who were unwilling to take the steps to keep their female dog safe from unwanted or unsafe pregnancy.

      I say this as both a former shelter volunteer and a former PP volunteer and I fully support the mission of both.

      The only puppies euthanized are those so let down by their owners that they haven’t received adequate healthcare and become catastrophically sick in a system with no support network for neonatal care, or the system has been overwhelmed by so many unwanted puppies it can no longer sustain itself without adequate funding and resources and powers that be are unwilling to grant them. And some shelters are more overwhelmed with unwanted pregnancies, because in some areas more owners believe it is “natural” for a pet dog to have as many pregnancies as their body can sustain and are unwilling to help their dog prevent those in order to not contribute to this cycle and in order to preserve their health, and because not all pet parents are equipped to raise a litter of puppies. So you end up with those “natural” shelters being overcrowded while shelters in areas where rates of preventative spay/neuter are higher those issues are reduced.

      … where could this metaphor POSSIBLY be going? Me and my (neutered, puppy-free) dog can’t possibly imagine…

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