CVS not allowed to sell any consumables today

    by teoucsb82


    1. My guess is that they had trouble with the refrigeration units which went off line for a bit of time. They cannot guarantee the freshness or safety of the food.

    2. Kyle_Blackpaw on

      possibly got hit with a health code violation and cant sell food til its fixed

    3. Having worked at CVS, either a health code violation, an expiration date violation, or the power went out at some point.

      One time, my manager and I used duct tape to shut the freezers after the power failed for several hours during a hot August in Pennsy.

      Some idiots CUT through the duct tape, and informed us of the tape’s presence. They then threw a tantrum when we refused to let them buy their melty, dripping carton of ice cream.

      “Well, what happens if we just walk out with it?”

      “You get to explain yourselves to the police.”

      That finally shut them up and made them leave, sans ice cream soup.

    4. Probably lost power and are keeping the cold air inside. Or it’s gross back there and they got in trouble.

    5. Suitable-Ratio on

      For a second I thought it was some new Jesusland / sharia law rule banning selling goods on a Sunday.

    6. LivingGhost371 on

      Local grocery store near us had an electrical fire that wound up with some smoke getting into the store. They closed the store the next day and literally threw out everything consumable in the entire store, which of course was most of what they had.

    7. I never buy frozen/refrigerated food at the CVS by my apartment. One too many times I have bought ice cream bars which were obviously thawed and re-frozen. I assume they get left in the aisle too long between delivery and shelving. If it’s happening with the ice cream, it’s happening with everything else.

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