Living proof

    by capndodge17


    1. SlowJoeyRidesAgain on

      Conservatives “something something preventative measures something something if they had nothing to hide why be worried something something to preserve freedom” is usually how this talk goes.

    2. As an ex republican this is my biggest fear as I married an immigrant from somewhere south of the US, and yes she has her card. However if the orange ass gets re elected his squads are not going to give two shits about her card or the fact she is married to an American.

    3. Sensitive-Painting30 on

      Maybe they should start with the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers right now. Biden needs to sign an executive order stating these groups are Terrorist Organizations…and start rounding them up for GitMo.

    4. Shafter-Boy on

      The town I grew up in, Shafter CA, had one of the largest Japanese concentration camps in the US. It was well before my time though. The older generation has told me stories.

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