Are you a convicted felon?

    by Rave4life79


    1. Flux_resistor on

      One response: just a quick rape of 13 year old, nothing worth mentioning

    2. Depending on the felony. Non violent? Maybe. Serial rapist? Absolutely not.

    3. Tbf (and I’m not a trumpster) being a felon doesn’t (generally) disqualify you for the job , you just have to disclose it.

    4. Born-Gift-6800 on

      I totally and wholeheartedly agree, even better come up with a law or whatever that disallows felons to run for the office. (I know it’s not going to happen with the MAGATS in control of the Senate, but it is something that should be addressed)

    5. InvictusPro7 on

      This is not a facepalm. The fact America can elect someone like Trump is but this post is a good suggestion.

    6. TemperatureEuphoric on

      It’s only a detriment if you’re not rich. Justice is blind. . . Bullshit. “Halls of justice painted green, money talking”

    7. Past-Direction9145 on

      that would be if things were fair

      but the paycheck signers are the ones in power

      and they wanna know everything about you

      it’s not a two-way street. you don’t get to know anything about them.

    8. Dreams_From_Beyond on

      I’ll say it again:

      All I have is a Minor in Possession and some 20 year old facebook posts that could be dug up mostly about my prior alcoholism.

      I want healthcare for all, women’s right to their own bodies, kids to have paid for lunches in the schools system, and a competent police force that is held accountable for their actions.

      Edit: Guess I’ll run next cycle since the bar is so low.

    9. constantin_NOPEal on

      They’re no longer pretending rich, white dudes don’t get special treatment. The honesty is at least a little refreshing, however terrible and unfair. Prison is supposed to rehabilitate, but when felons are released, they’re still punished, sometimes for the rest of their lives with limited career opportunities and stigma. That’s by design, though, IMO.

    10. LoveBabesCarsPoems on

      What I know about the next presidential election is this: one candidate is a flawed but decent man that loves his kids, his wife, and his country. The other candidate is a flawed indecent man that only loves himself. I’m voting for decency.

    11. Striking_Zombie_8640 on

      If you are a Felon in the USA, good luck finding a job, can’t even rent an apartment. But, you can be a President of a Country. 🤣🤣🤣

    12. logicalmadmatty on

      I am, previously had 3x felonies, 14 misdemeanors over 15 years. Got it all handled and now I make 300k+ in cyber. Everyone has a past. it’s up to you to mature and make right.

    13. How ’bout just adding can’t be a felon to the Presidential job requirement list?

    14. purrcthrowa on

      Maybe the question should be amended to “have you even been convicted of 35 felonies?”.

    15. Hieronymous0 on

      Carlin predicted this moment – where criminals of all stripes would bond together and form a new special interest group called the American Federation of Sociopaths. He even predicted a time when they would visit your home as a group.

    16. ozzyman31495 on

      The same people who want a felon to be president, don’t want felons to vote.

      Seems a bit hypocritical to me.

    17. Sounds good to me. Maybe put in requirements for certain jobs though, like no convicted sex offenders working with children or something similar.

    18. outofcontextsex on

      People always have the wrong takeaway; we need to make president of the United States a job you can’t have if you’re a felon.

    19. Dont forget drug testing, too.

      If “public servants” aren’t being tested randomly, then neither should we.

    20. I agree with him.  If this country is, against all sanity and logic, allowing a man with 34 felonies and who attempted to overthrow the government to run for president and become a dictator, then there is not a single company in this nation that should ask if yiu have ever been convicted on a job application. 

    21. snafoomoose on

      On the application just write “I am qualified to run for President”.

    22. Fit_Strength_1187 on

      All you have to do is be super rich, be a con man, have decent PR, and howl for years that no one has been treated more unfairly in the history of our country, maybe ever. They’re comparing me to Jesus, but maybe not.

    23. GeneralBuckNekked on

      I get the sentiment. But it’s apples and oranges. It’s reasonable for a business to have standard reserving criminal history. On the other hand, it should be up the voters to decide if a felon is fit to serve.
      A more glaring double standard is the media understandably pushing Biden to step aside for losing three steps but giving Trump a pass for so many disqualifying reasons.

    24. In 2016 I took a quiz on who should vote for. The ONLY answer I got answered in line with trump was “should the felony question be removed from job applications.”

      He knew what he was the whole time.

    25. You can also drive drunk and kill your passenger by driving into the water and still be voted into the senate.

    26. santamonicayachtclub on

      *Did you know if you were caught when you were smoking crack / McDonald’s wouldn’t even wanna take you back / But you could always just run for mayor of D.C.* – Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, Good Charlotte, 2002. Time is a flat fucking circle.

    27. This doesn’t totally make sense. We have a right to know that Trump was convicted of 34 felonies, and we may choose whether or not to vote for him. Likewise an employer can request your criminal history, and may choose to hire you despite you being a felon. They may choose not to.

      A better argument from a purely logical perspective would be “if it’s illegal for employers to hire felons, then Trump shouldn’t legally be able to become President.” Of course factually it *isn’t* illegal for employers to hire felons, so that one doesn’t work either.

    28. Doublestack2411 on

      This, seems odd that a fast food joint has higher standards than being the President of the United States.

    29. timberwolf0122 on

      If it’s not relevant to the job and you’ve served your sentence I don’t see why it should be on there

    30. captain_dead_pool on

      Yeah except this isn’t a job you apply for. You get voted in by the American people.

    31. Most people on the left actually agree with this sentiment. Not sure where the facepalm is here.

    32. Let me get this straight felons can’t vote but they can run for office. Got it.

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