I’m voting blue no matter what but here’s why you shouldn’t….

    by BestStoogewasLarry


    1. Raven_Crows on

      Democrats will vote democrats no matter what, trumpards will vote trumpards no matter what. The election is decided by those in the middle.

      And if there is no candidate for them, they won’t even bother to show up on election day.

      In 2020 the difference between Trump and Biden was 5%, with weak candidates the voter turnout however could drop up to 17%, it’s even likely that it will drop to 2016 levels (-8% from 2020).

    2. BestStoogewasLarry on

      Then let’s try to convince them that our candidate is worth voting for, even though that candidate is not perfect.

    3. I firmly believe that no matter all the gnashing of teeth Democrats will pull the lever for Biden because his opponent is pedonald trump. And down-ballot Democrats are going to benefit as well.

    4. Joe Biden’s defeat seems to be written in stone for many of us, so the calculations have shifted from damage control to the nuclear option. Nuclear option, being perceived as the only path that can lead to victory.

    5. We saw the same thing in 2016. So many people who claimed to hate the convicted felon and rapist were actively campaigning for Trump while claiming that they had no intention of voting for him

    6. Cicerothesage on

      and why are they calling to change the candidate when we have a Vice President? Isn’t that why a VP for is?

      Like the system built a back-up already.

    7. pretty wild how not a single republican is calling for biden to step aside

    8. It’s Russian bots and paid politicians pushing this narrative, plain and simple. Who is the dark horse candidate who’s going to garner the support and funding to win a presidential election in 3 months?

    9. We all hate Trump and want a Dem to win. We’ll all vote for Biden, or whoever ends up on the Dem ticket. We’re worried that the debate was so bad – and wasn’t just a one-off, it confirmed general fears about Biden – that it will alienate moderates and swing voters, who will either vote 3rd party, not vote at all, or maybe even vote Trump. Those people are idiots, we all know that, but they exist and we have to worry about them.

      It’s reasonable to at least be discussing whether we have a better shot at winning with Biden at this point or swapping in someone else (quickly). All any of us care about at this point is defeating Trump.

    10. I know it’s not the point, but just shit awful use of this meme format OP. Get your shit together.

    11. GoonerBear94 on

      MAGAs masquerading as liberals pushing for a Dem ticket change because they want content

    12. Because they are stupid and actually think “oh well, if Trump wins we can just run someone *I* like in 4 years” as if elections will even still exist by 2028.

    13. So we should just shut up and back the Party…. Even though we believe they are leading us down the merry path to disaster…. So when we speak out after the fact we can be scolded for not speaking up sooner….

      When the boot is on your neck, it doesn’t matter if it’s the right or left telling you to fall in line.

      Quit defending the broken two party system. Washington warned against it. We should have listened.

    14. MyDarlingCaptHolt on

      Donald Trump said that he would become a dictator on day one, and he would imprison the Biden, crime family, and Kamala Harris.

      He didn’t call me out by name.

      I’ll vote, but I do not have the powers of the presidency, or the purse of the Democratic party to campaign.

      If I did have the powers of the presidency and millions of dollars, I guarantee you I would be pounding the pavement and doing everything in my power to get every single vote I could.

      If Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and top Democrats can’t get it together and use every media outlet, social media, and dollar in their possession to start making a difference this late in the game, what can you and I do?

      It wasn’t the voters who put reclusive Jamie Harrison in charge of the DNC.

      That was top Democrats.

      If they want to win, they will get Jamie Harrison off his ass and in front of a camera or microphone.

      We can’t do the dnc’s job for them. I didn’t choose a reclusive nobody for the marketing and messaging head of the Democratic party. That’s all on top Democrats.

      I’m not the one who is going to go to jail on day one. If Trump wins. Again, that’s top Democrats. If they want to avoid jail, they will do whatever it takes to win the election. They are the ones with the power and the money.

    15. hoodoo-operator on

      I will vote for a goddamn potato if it was the Democratic nominee, because it’s that important to beat Trump.

      You can’t win if you only have voters like me.

    16. CumBubbleFarts on

      Reading some of the comments here, Jesus.

      Biden was born during WWII. He is 81 years old. He needs daily 4 hour naps. He can’t form complete sentences. These do not meet the qualifications necessary for one of the most powerful positions in the entire world. You’re lying to yourself if you claim otherwise.

      It’s selfish to put us in this position with this much on the line. Regardless of what you think, you have to realize the negative impacts that this has on *his* reputation and legacy, on the Democratic party’s reputation, and on our country’s reputation.

      If Biden is the ticket I’m still going to vote for him, but y’all are insane. Y’all are how we ended up in this situation. Literally any criticism of the party gets met with derision, “you’re a Russian bot, you’re a troll”.

      No, we’re not. We just don’t want our country to be run out of a nursing home. Stop driving away potential voters. Stop making fun of people with completely sane and rational takes. If you actually gave a shit about the results of the election instead of just jerking yourself off, you would be trying everything in your power to get these people to vote with you instead of making fun of them. It’s actually infuriating. Beyond stupid.

    17. TheLameness on

      Just made this argument over on the list generation sub. Got banned. It’s a pretty shitty sub though

    18. Stop pretending to know what the right thing to do is. There are pros and cons to both routes, but the media chose to latch on, so it *is* an issue. Biden is in a shitty situation of the media’s making (and his own awful debate presence) and if he’s not able to establish confidence, it could be the right time to defer and endorse a candidate already decided on with party consensus.

      But the situation is so bizarre, there’s no way to know what the actual right thing to do is.

    19. Because it’s vote blue no matter who, but we can do better than an 80 year old hellbent on keeping the status quo and persevering political norms, in a time when a large segment of the opposition party is openly talking about revolution and an an activist Supreme Court is gutting the constitution.

    20. Voting for the Biden Administration, not just the man. The US is not a dictatorship.

      And the dems that think Biden should step down, fine… provide a viable candidate first!!!

    21. SnooPeripherals6557 on

      Exactly, these choads have scripted BS they copy/paste to fk w election, they’re not even Americans.

      Let’s learn from ‘16, True Blue No Matter.

      Choads were even arguing against Kamala, wonder why, lol.

      We see the patterns, we Know all American soc med is being bombarded by goblin propaganda- it’s 80% propaganda trolls or dumbasses who’ve been manipulated by them and their “alternative reality” humpers, Qanons, kkks, those idiots.

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