People tend to evolve from their childhood

    by herewearefornow


    1. This is such a weird frame of thinking. I am of the age we didn’t have cell phones or social media growing up. Best we had was call-waiting and dial-up internet. I had a pager 😎 I went straight to the military after high school graduation and went overseas. Like how was I supposed to keep in touch with people? Letters. Until folks moved etc But I also do have friends I’ve been friends with since the sixth grade 🤣

    2. People grow apart nothing problematic about it. I was a completely different person in middle/high school than I was in college and I’m fairly different now. As you age you grow and you desire different things from your relationship your choice to open or stay involved in. Not to mention the older you get the less you’re willing to tolerate bad behavior; so it’s entirely believable you don’t want to maintain friendships with people you met at 14-17 well into your 30s.

    3. cause it’s stupid….i was bullied lmao why the FUCK would i drag that into adulthood on purpose? and then you move one time and the friends you do have are gone, like?

    4. Switched schools right before Junior High. Lost contact with everyone since there was no email option for kids during the 90s(AOL don’t count)

      Ran into a friend from elementary at a house party when I was 20. We caught up, stayed in touch for a few years until he started to focus more on his personal life with his wife. I still have his phone number, but I know he’s busy with his kids and wouldn’t have time to meet up like we used to.

      Still in touch with a dozen or so people from High School.

    5. I might be the outlier, but I still got the Dane best friend I met in the 1st grade. I try to insult him at least once a day via text.
      I also think social media allows us to stay in contact with folks from back in the day, unlike previous generations.

      I can see that homegirl from junior Hugh making shitty life decisions, or the homie turning his life around after a few stints in prison

    6. theADHDsaint on

      yeah, it makes little sense. i grew up as an army brat. moved every 2 years on average. we didn’t have social media (MySpace, Facebook, etc.) until i got to high school. 🤷🏽 also, niggas grow and change?!

    7. The real problem is ppl worrying about other ppl and how and why they keep friends in their circle

      You prolly one of those friends who I keep on the outside cuz you too busy putting your nose where it doesnt belong and not taking a long look at yourself. I bet some of those friends from childhood you keep around you dont actually like.

      be humble

    8. Expensive_King_4849 on

      I lived in New Orleans and Katrina happened, I have no idea where most of them live now.

    9. Complex-Professor257 on

      So basically everyone who moved away for college or to join the military and never returned to their home state?

    10. ifs more of a yellow flag than anything else. could say something about the person in question, could also just be life happening.

    11. FoamingCellPhone on

      Maybe I am the problem, the older and older I get the more I think: I don’t need you in my life. Every time someone gets to be too dramatic or I catch them lying about dumb shit.

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